I have a UTF-8 string in from which i want to find out which are non-ASCII characters.
lets say i have
char arr[] = "x√ab c"; , and it has 1 non-ASCII character (√')
one way it to find the ascii characters from given UTF-8 string , excluding those i'll get the non-ASCII characters.
Given the following information from
info 1:
One-byte codes are used only for the ASCII values 0 through 127. In this case the UTF-8 code has the same value as the ASCII code. The high-order bit of these codes is always 0
info :2
another way is to find the UTF-8 code for a character. All ASCII character are range from U+0000 to U+007F
Using the any of the above info , how can i find non-ASCII character ? (or if there is any other way to find )
FYI:using gcc compiler