Roland Mueller

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Recent posts by Roland Mueller

The <exclude> makes Maven not to pick up matched Java sources for compilation.

However, if any other Java class uses the exclude class the Java compiler will compile this excluded Java class. Thus, class Immutable is used somewhere else in your code.
4 days ago
Try to add the following directive to the top of your JSP may be as second line. This instructs the web server not to ignore EL.

1 week ago

Regarding current IT standards, I wanted to know how many organizations still rely on versions 11g, 12c, 19c, and the newly released 23c (also known as 23ai). I mentioned 11g because I found information related to PL/SQL that references 19c (Exam 1Z0-149: Oracle Database Programming with PL/SQL), but the exam standards on the Oracle website seem to mention 11g, which is quite confusing. Is 11g still in use, or is it primarily a legacy system now?

For releases of Oracle Db I found the following sites where the first one is more visible but not from Oracle and the second is an "official" Oracle doc. The message is clear: all releases before 19c are no longer supported in any way.

Support dates for Oracle DB releases )colored picture)

Release Schedule of Current Database Releases (Doc ID 742060.1) see table 1

Then 23ai is the new name for 23c since June 2024. It is currently not generally released for on-premise. The data for this should be only in this year after several delays. Thus, currently 23ai is only available as cloud-based release.

Most of the items in the SQL exams you asked in your original post have not changed for a long time at least regarding basic SQL DML and DDL. 23ai brings some new syntax changes but "old" Oracle SQL is still supported. Thus, a document written e.g. for release 11g is not necessarily invalid even if the release is already buried.

Chirayu Gangadkar wrote:Hello everyone,

1. Oracle Database 23c AI SQL Associate (1Z0-171)
2. Oracle Database SQL Associate Credential (1Z0-071)

I am currently exploring Oracle Database certifications and would appreciate any advice you can give me. Oracle has announced the 23c AI Database certification (1Z0-171) with clear details about the exam topics and their weightage. However, for the 19c certifications, such information is not as readily available.

Here are my questions:

1. How should I start preparing for these certifications?

When comparing the pages for 1Z0-071 (19c) and 1Z0-171 (23ai) then both pages contain the essential information which is a list of "Review exam topics".

The 23ai page has then a table telling which topic groups are weighted by which percentage. I mean that this table is somehow interesting but I cannot image that you can tweak your learning for any of these exams by these percentages. In my opinion - based on two successfule Java certificates you should take the exam when you have gained confidence in all the items in the list of exam topics.

Chirayu Gangadkar wrote:
2. Has anyone here completed either the 23c AI Database or 19c certification? If so, could you share your experience and recommend any useful resources?

Disclaimer: I did neither took one of thes exams nor planning to take one despite that I am working a lot with Oracle DB in the last two years. Based on this experience the list of topics seams to make sence as TODO list for exam preparation. and last not least one is learning for (work) life and not primarily for just passing an exam.

For my Java certifications I used some free online exams, wrote a slide set covering all listed exam topics, and did of lot of freely available mock exams, wrote example code. Similar approach I would apply if I would prepare for these Oracle exams. Some promising links are in search results when googling for Z0-171 or 1Z0-071 .
There is an environment variable for making adb more verbose. I think in windows cmd the command set is used to set the variables inside the same cmd shell where one starts then the adb command.

Then furthermore I would begin troubleshooting with the networking.

If networking of the VBox VM is in NAT mode then netstat -ano  should show some entry if the adb service inside the android device is ok, and port forwarding works ok.

If the VBox is in bridged mode then  nmap should show whether something is listening on port 5555 or above.

2 weeks ago

Norm Radder wrote:My problem with understanding why adb is not working today is: why did it work a couple of days ago with the same software: VirtualBox and Android VMs.  
I haven't noticed the long boot up time for Android running in VB.  When an Android VM is first installed,  it does take a while to boot.  But that only needs to be done one time.  For ongoing tests VB is able to save the current state of the VM in less than 30 seconds and then reload that saved state in less than 30 seconds when you want to test again.  Sometimes the save/load times are more like 20 seconds.
The time for adb to connect to a running VM is usually a few seconds.  It quickly tells me that it can not see any devices.  I am running it the same why now when it is failing as I ran it when it worked.
All is not lost however.  adb is working on my other PC.  So I just need to copy what I am working on over there and I can continue.  I just installed another 8GB memory on it and see that AS and VM like to use more than 10GB.


Did you tried to reboot your android VM after adb started to fail instead of just restarting the VM?

Then using netstat -an in Windows CLI should reveal whether something in the android VM is  still listing on the adb port 5555.

Then inside the android device you should be able to disable and then enable debugging from the developer options in Settings.
3 weeks ago

rutuja patil wrote:I am using output.drl file.
Following code - errorCodes.add(errorCode);-  is saying Unchecked call to 'add(E)' as a member of raw type 'java.util.List'

I am not able to fix this in drool file, can you please help.

I not knowing much about Drools, and the only thing that pops up in your example code is the doubled dots in the import for ErrorCode in the first line.

In normal Java code this should trigger an error message. May be this is only a copy&paste error when writing your message.

Why your code causes the warning about raw type insertion I cannot understand. java.util.List<ErrorCode> is not a raw List.

3 months ago

john bean wrote:thanks for help odd im not using network but thanks i could not find anything about error -3

I checked again and must admit that I mixed up  the found error code :-(

Sorry for the confusion!
5 months ago
Error -3 aka NETWORK_ERROR indicates an error with the  network connection.
5 months ago

Following this URL brings me to Displaytags page at Sourceforge where I can download the freshest version from year 2008.

The project was then move to - hard to guess :-) -  Github and latest release 3.0.2 claims to support Jakarta namespaces.
5 months ago

Jack Tauson wrote:

I also noticed a comtag.tld file sitting inside WEBINF folder which has the following contents:

any idea what this might be for? Also, what might be the JSTL 3.0 compatible version for this?

Makes it a difference to increase tlibversion to 1.1? Otherwise, to my surprise the TLD content should be still ok for Jakarta but it's an awfully long time ago I wrote some taglib POC/playground code.

5 months ago
Have a look here for including support libraries that are BTW deprecated in newer Android SDKs
6 months ago

Rob Spoor wrote:

Tim Holloway wrote:Stack traces are not handled much differently than any other logging request. I'm fairly sure that each line in the stack trace comes from a separate log request. So while you might be able to set up a pattern to hide the primary exception line, the rest of the stack would still print.

That's not how most logging frameworks work. They don't log lines, they log entries. Those get transformed into strings (possibly multiple lines) by the appender or handler. Those may delegate that to a formatter or layout. For instance, in the example that Peter linked to it's the %e in the pattern %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%e%n".

I have no idea how this applies to JBoss' filtering though.

Logging in Wildfly/JBoss should be quite standard Java logging including filters and can make use of different Java logging providers.

Example for a filter is here:
6 months ago

Ivan Jozsef Balazs wrote:"I was studying Humanistics: History, Hungarian,"

The three great H's !
Nice és üdvözlet!

Köszönöm szépen ! Thank you!
10 months ago
The GET request "GET /badging/badge_print_v0.php?tpl=../../." is related to following vulnerability

One example  that is quite close to your error log row is documented here:

The basic approach of the attack is to access some file outside the document root by providing a path traversal using parent directory strings "..".
10 months ago