Joan Breton

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since Nov 05, 2011
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Recent posts by Joan Breton

Welcome the coderanch and congratulations for publishing the book.


Congratulations for this work Robert.


8 years ago
Hello Ranchers

I want to create a mini Android Device Manager (Something like Lookout, Where’s My Droid, etc..). Do you have any information about this topic?.

Thanks in advance,


8 years ago
Hello Friends

Could you recomend me a good resource to learn about JAX-WS and JAX-RS security implementations. I'm reading several websites and books, but...

Thanks in advance
SE/EE 5 it's time to say "good bye". Thanks Tsang.
Hello Ranchers!!!

Today I'm starting my preparation to become a certified webservices developer (OCEJWSD). I will be publishing all my steps because I think that It will be helpful for others.

Firs step: Reading/coding on the oracle web services tutorial (

Open to suggestions, Thanks in advance for your help,

You are right, now I can see it.

Thanks for your fast answer but it's strange. I Can see the modification in the source code (at the edit page), but no in the current version. If I click on the "What's Changed?" link I can see the modification. Maybe I have to wait for a kind of validation.
Hello Friends

I'm trying to update the wall of fame page ( but it doesn't save the changes. What's happening ?.

Thanks in advance

I'd like to know what kind of applications will be explained in the book.

9 years ago
Because you can't point to the login.jsp again , the correct use is :

login.jsp > FormAuthentication > If(Success) > goto(login.jsp OTHER_PROTECTED_RESOURCE)
login.jsp > FormAuthentication > If(Failure) > goto(Error.html)

See this post:

Good look.


For the first question : Declaratively is the best option. Is more ease to change a XML than to be modifing, compiling, packing, etc. your clases every time you make a modification.

For the last : the PATCH method is invalid.

Good look.
Hi there

I'm new here (I have a few posts) but today I passed the exam and i wish to show my thanks to JavaRanch collect and keep as many useful resources.

Overall the review is not complicated as long as we study. I saw nothing on the tag handlers (Simple / Clasics) and actually surprised me that almost everything is focused on JSTL, and Expression languaje implicit objects. I hope will be of help to others.

Nothing else, just encourage new candidates.

Im agree with Anayonkar about the specification.

The OCEJWCD study compatipon covers all the certification objetives. Also, in the enthuware viewer you have some URL referencing to the standard reference.

I think you are in the good way.

Good luck.