sree hareesh

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since Nov 16, 2011
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Recent posts by sree hareesh

Hi all,

when i click a link, the page should be loaded in new tab. how can i do it using html.

Thanks in advance
float requires 4 byte and long requires 8 bytes, and we can assign long variable to float variable. how it is possible?
11 years ago
Hi all

how to check all dependencies are injected in spring bean properly or not?

Thanks in advance
11 years ago
Thanks for reply.

I am using plain jsp pages only.
11 years ago
Hi all,

i have url as follows.


how can i make it as


without configuring in web.xml.

Thanks in advance.
11 years ago
post file
12 years ago
Hi all,

I have JSP file and java class in the same package, how can i use java class in JSP.
12 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to webservices. Is there a chance to use both SOAP and Rest webservices in the same project ?
12 years ago
1) make sure all your pojo classes implemented Serializable interface
it is must to be identified each object (row of table) uniquely in each object gets its uniqueness using either primary key or composite primary key.if you dont specify primary key or composite key in a table , then you can form composite key using all columns of a table.