basha khan

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since Jan 26, 2002
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Recent posts by basha khan

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
18 years ago

Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
What I interpreted "king seat" to mean:

Most of the kings sits on that? right?

Rest do freelancing.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
Basha, what in the world is a "king seat"? And is "dog in a king seat" some sort of figurative expression, or is it, literally, a dog, in whatever the heck a "king seat" is?

Barbarians always try to protect themselves by raising literal issues.

King's seat mean seat of a king. But King seat mean seat of people who got petty 'little' power.

I mean king seat.
[ December 24, 2006: Message edited by: basha khan ]
18 years ago
Dog in a king's seat. Are we talking about your manager ?

I mean all ambitious assholes.
18 years ago
Yes. It is.

Jim, The question is,

What you do when you see an ambitious asshole?
18 years ago
What you do when you see a dog in king seat?
18 years ago
SRK is a great actor. I love him.
18 years ago
Maureen, Somebody told, 'Life is like an icecream, enjoy it before it melts'

What's your comment on it? When icecream start melting? And when it compleately melt if we dont care?
18 years ago

Originally posted by Elaine Micheals:

Just teasing - sorry if I offended you. Just that a "Saloon" is where we go to drink booze. A "Salon" is where you go to get your hair done, & other personal care stuff...

Kinda funny, I thought...

Ayy. dont get offended that easely.

Thanks for saving me from saloon.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Maureen Augustus:
To carry the analogy, I'd say teenagers are caterpillars. In them, you can begin to see what they might become as adults, but not until they go into the cocoon of college and work and independence do they really become the person they're going to be.

Personally, although being a teenager and young adult was fun, I prefer where I am now. You don't really live until you stop spending your time trying to impress other people. I'm sure there are many people who learn this in their teens and early 20s, but the social pressure is definitely greater during those years. I needed to live through a terrible boss and a worse boyfriend before I could figure out who I was. Those things take time.

Yes. All ages got it's own pleasure.

And sorrows.
18 years ago
Poets often call teenage kids as butterflies. Are they really butterflies? Or any old butterfly here?
[ October 12, 2006: Message edited by: basha khan ]
18 years ago
Dont bother my English. Only make sure you get the meaning. If that's also not possible, let me know, I'll start new thread called 'Teach me English'
18 years ago

Originally posted by Elaine Micheals:

Saloon?? Now THAT's risky!!

Hair cutting saloon.
18 years ago
1-2 weeks back, I gone to a saloon to cut my hair, An old man were sitting in the chair, Barber shaves his chin, It was a quite complex job for the barber to shave his face, with lot of wrinkles. But after shaving old man shows places in his face that's not properly done, old man did it 2-3 times.

I wonder who the hell this old man going to show his face in old age? Desire will not end in old age or even in last day!
18 years ago
There is an old tree in my village riverside. Glorious and beutifull. That tree got a dignity that i dont see in other trees. With roots penetrated deep and lushfull leaves dancing in the sparkling sun. The tree contributes to the village by it's cheerfullness and dignity even in old age like no other.
18 years ago