Bagwan Mehrat

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Originally posted by Kengkaj Sathianpantarit:

PMP requires at least 3 years experience as project manager.

Right. There seems to be a big difference between the two certifications (not that PMP is that great either, but at least PMI agrees in principle that the latter is relevant to a project manager's job), from how PMI describes them on their web site and materials. Notice how they carefully describe CAPM's limitation:

"Considered an essential step for project team members". Note, NOT project managers or aspiring project managers.

"Provide subject matter expertise (e.g. marketing, finance, customer care, processing, fulfillment)". Note how they are saying that CAPM certificants are people who are individual contributors in non-project management tasks, and how project management is excluded from the list of expertise. In other words, they are explicitly saying that CAPM certificants have no expertise in project management.

So due to PMI's own position on CAPM, I cannot recommend its use as an avenue of personal growth, or something to be considered when looking at a resume.

Originally posted by Srikanth Basavaraju:
If you have some ideas to share on this, can you please post your thoughts. Is there any real advantage of having this certification or its just a useless stuff that no one cares to look at ?

To help answer this question, I thought that a good starting point would be to look at what PMI's web site says their certifications are for. Overviews of their certifications are at, and according to this page:

Candidates for PgMP should be currently responsible "for the coordinated management of multiple related projects".

Candidates for PMP should be currently responsible "for all aspects of the project for the life of the project".

Candidates for CAPM should be currently be "project team members".

So according to these descriptions, it seems to depend on what you wish to demonstrate. If you wish to demonstrate to an employer that you have the competence to manage a portfolio of projects, then perhaps PgMP could demonstrate that.

If you wish to demonstrate that you are competent to manage a project, then perhaps PMP can do that.

If you wish to demonstrate that you are competent to be a team member, then perhaps CAPM can do that.

Originally posted by Jan Cumps:
That is a strange way to assess if someone fits. Negative certification.

It's a common issue. I recently read a good article at that discussed analogous situations with extra graduate degrees disqualifying people:

"You would do best to leave frivolous graduate degrees off your resume so you can look a bit more focused."
I happen to have both those certifications, and what you do afterwards is like what you do after getting any other certification. You carefully put the certification in a treasured place in your filing cabinet, and you get back to whatever you were doing before, simple as that.
Well, at 3.5 years, you're still starting out, so it's hard to say. I know very few developers with 3.5 years of experience. The developers I know have 10, 20, or more years of experience. The project managers I know typically have 10 or 15 years of experience - in project management alone.

I remember once when I had about 3.5 years of experience in project management, I talked to a recruiter about switching jobs. She told me to forget it - that nobody would consider hiring a project manager with only 3.5 years of project management experience, and that I'd be competing against project managers with 10+ years of experience. And I found that she was right.
I actually heard somewhere that CAPM is different enough from the PMP that those who study well for the PMP may actually fail the CAPM, as counter-intuitive as it sounds. I took the PMP myself once to see what it was like. I didn't study for it, but used to be a project management practitioner, so study wasn't necessary.

I haven't seen the CAPM on resumes I've seen yet so I'm not sure how I'd react to it, but I'd be cautious. If I saw a PM with a CAPM, I'd wonder why the candidate didn't just get a regular PMP, and put the resume on the reject pile. If I saw a software developer with a CAPM, I'd wonder if they were dissatisfied with their work and were really focused technically, and put their resume in the reject pile. I can't think of a situation where a CAPM would not hurt on a resume.
This new certification sounds interesting. If it's like the PMP exam, it'll be multiple choice, and I don't think calculators were necessary. For that matter, on the PMP, not much knowledge was necessary either, and it's rather disappointingly easy.

Fortunately, they have some professional and continuing training requirements for the PMP, or else it would be a completely worthless certification.
I wonder if f:convertNumber would do what you want. If not, then you can write a custom converter, a class that implements javax.faces.convert.Convert.
18 years ago
Tomahawk's version of the dataTable has a "rowIndexVar" attribute that you can use to do this.
18 years ago
I don't know how to do this with regular JSF, but if you're using MyFaces, I believe Tomahawk's radio tag can do this. There's information on
18 years ago
I've been thinking a little bit more about the difference in scope between a request scope bean and the JSF framework, and I wonder if anyone could offer some thoughts on my following newbie points of conjecture on what's going on.

1. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() returns a ThreadLocal FacesContext value, so it's effectively session scope.

2. UIViewRoot is a member of FacesContext, so is therefore also session scope.

3. When a user enters an invalid value in a component, the UIInput's setValue() or maybe setSubmittedValue() gets set to the invalid value, and setValid(false) is also called.

4. Since validation failed, the backing bean is not called.

5. On subsequent requests, the previous UIViewRoot is still remembered, since it's session scope, and it also naturally remembers the invalid value in the UIInput.

6. When render is iterated over the component tree, the renderer can either get the value from the bean, or from the component tree. If the value is set in the UIInput, then that has precedence.

7. The above factors cause the JSF framework to get stuck on previously submitted invalid values for the duration of the session, even though the backing bean is request scope.

Does the above seem to make sense to anyone? If this is what's happening, I would appreciate any ideas for somehow fixing the component tree, or doing something to it on the fly to get around this problem.
19 years ago
Maybe this is getting a bit confusing. One of the reasons why I originally didn't want to post the code is because I thought it might confuse people, as it has, since the code itself is actually irrelevant, since when the validation error occurs, because the form data is invalid, the framework can, of course, no longer call the bean for data. So the problem is not with the attribute in the bean code that's posted here, but with the portion of the JSF framework that tries to substitute for the bean in the event of a validation error.

I was hoping that someone might know if this issue is something likely to be addressed in JSF 1.2 once the Java EE 5 standard is finalized? Or if someone knows a workaround to programatically clear the JSF framework's state in this case somehow?
19 years ago

Originally posted by M Litherland:
In your submit method you could just say attrib=""; Or perhaps I'm not understanding your problem?

I'm sorry, but I'm trying to understand your idea, and I'm drawing a blank. I can understand what you proposed to add, and where, but I'm not understanding what the aim of that code is?
19 years ago
You're right that I didn't post code before, since this is a general issue, and isn't specific to any particular piece of code, but I've written some code here that could help others recreate the problem, if they're interested in a quick and easy way of doing so.

Wally, do you have any additional thoughts, given this code? Thanks.

19 years ago
I know this post is a bit old, but I'm bringing up this issue again because my previous workaround is obviously not a real fix.

I think the fact that I haven't been able to find a solution to such a fundamental problem for such a long time reflects a deep problem with either the framework, or with my brain.

So after having let this stew for a while, does anyone still have any ideas about this issue? It's really annoying that parameters that you were programmed to be request scope effectively become session scope once there's a validation error.

I suspect that what happened was that the implementers of MyFaces decided to use the session as a temporary holding space for invalid values that can't be retrieved from the backing bean, forgetting that backing beans can also be request scope, thus introducing a bug caused by this inconsistency in scope.
19 years ago