Kamanashis Biswas

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since Dec 02, 2011
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Recent posts by Kamanashis Biswas

What is happening in the background when we pause a game??? And how the game resume and starts???

Hi All of You,

Can any of my friend tell me What is happening in the background when we pause a game??? And how the game resume and starts??? in Java prospective .
I want to know the step by step scenario. I face this question in an interview . And I could not answer it properly .

Kamanashis Biswas
12 years ago

Tim Moores wrote:A Pentium at 2GHz is kind of a slow machine for serious development work, even more so if you then run an emulator on it.

Can You tell me with my limited resource(2GHz) how can i optimize the performance of the emulator and eclipse ???
12 years ago
Hi Chrobione,

Thanks for the reply. You guess it right its a laptop. Thank You my friend ..... I am kind a new bee . I still dont know how i can manually start or launch the android emulator ??? Dude help ..........

Thanks Again,
12 years ago
Hi Chrobione Robinson,

Thanks for the reply .......... Hope your assistance will be helpful for me . My System Information is :

System Information :
Processor : Intel(R) Pentum(R) CPU B940 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
Installed RAM : 6 GB DDR3
OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Eclipce Version : Eclipse Java EE IDE (Helios Service Release 2 , Build ID: 20110218-0911)

i hope its enough to run the emulator. Emulator launching speed is also very slow . How can i make it faster ???

Thanks to All
12 years ago
Project.apk file is not installing in emulator-5554 . Why ???

I am new to this Android world . When i am try to run the "HelloWorld" program, "emulator-5554" is lunching , and then its showing in the screen "ANDROID" , but no view !!! Console is giving " [2011-12-04 14:20:49 - Lab1] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched....... " and then [2011-12-04 14:23:03 - Lab1] Failed to install Lab1.apk on device 'emulator-5554! '....... Please find me a solution .

Thanks to All.
12 years ago
I am new to this Android world . When i am try to run the "HelloWorld" program, "emulator-5554" is lunching , and then its showing in the screen "ANDROID" , but no view !!! Console is giving " [2011-12-04 14:20:49 - Lab1] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched....... " and then [2011-12-04 14:23:03 - Lab1] Failed to install Lab1.apk on device 'emulator-5554! '....... Please find me a solution .

Thanks to All.
12 years ago