anu johncy wrote:
Here i am using eclipse IDE , how i can access mysql database using eclipse .
thanks & regards
Anu johncy
I got the solution
Integrate Eclipse and MYSQL
1. Install Eclipse in C:/ProgramFiles .
2. Download SQL EXplorer , and unzip in to eclipse folder, then copy sql explorer featers and plugins to eclipse fetures and plugins .
then start eclipse IDE.
3. ineclipse IDE form menu bar click Window->open prespective->others.
open prespective window will come . Select SQL Explorer.
SQl Explorer will come Eclipse IDE.
Click Create New Connection Profile window will get.
give the Name : MySql Connection (any name).
Driver click Add/Edit Drivers button prefernces window will come select JDBC driver from SQLEXplorer . select MYSQL Driver click Add button
Create a new Driver window will get .
give any name as Driver name
ie, Name : MMMYSQL
example URL:
select Extra class path tab
click Add jars (to add external jar files ) select mysql connector click Ok .
prefernce window select MMMySql Driver and click Ok
in create new connection profile window select Driver
check auto ligin
give user name : root
passowrd: root (if given in Mysql data base).
check Auto commit.
finaly click Ok button .