Sathya Srinivasan

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since Jan 29, 2002
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Recent posts by Sathya Srinivasan

Hi David,

I am assuming that you are talking about the SCMAD Exam Guide written by me and others. You can request the publishers to send you a copy directly. Here are the details.

If you have any issues, let us know.
You may have better luck getting an answer if you post it in the SCBCD forum or EJB forum and not here.
Hi Raju,

Congrats on passing the SCJP exam. You can try the SCMAD Exam Guide book. You can find more details on where you can buy the book as well as other details relevant to the exam at

Does this have anything to do with SCMAD? You would probably have to be a lot more descriptive to get a good answer, and preferably in the right forum as well.
One book that I know addresses is the SCMAD Exam Study Guide that I co-authored with Ko Ko Naing and Siva Umapathy, two other 'ranch hands' at JavaRanch. We have received very positive reviews so far from those who have used the book to prepare for and pass the exam.

You can get further details here:

The book is currently sold only in the Indian sub-continent (India and neighboring countries) and can be ordered by request if you are residing elsewhere.

There are other books as well, such as Beginning J2ME programming by Johnathan Knudsen which may be helpful even though it does not focus specifically on the exam.
My general understanding is that it is decent in Europe and Asia and not as much in USA. Compared to Enterprise Java, the J2ME opportunities would definitely be less, mainly because of the sheer size of enterprise deployments as well as due to the much longer history of J2EE compared to J2ME.

There have been a few posts in this forum earlier with others commenting on this. You can check them too.
It really depends on what your focus is or where you feel new opportunities would lie. Technically, the two certifications do not depend on each other and can be taken in any order.

If you plan to work on Enterprise Java, then SCBCD is a logical progression from SCWCD. SCMAD does not depend on any knowledge gained from SCBCD. However, if you are interested in working with mobile applications, it is the right one to take.
Since you've already passed SCWCD, I am assuming that you have a good background in Java. J2ME is essentially a set of Java libraries that you should not have much of a trouble picking up. Of course, there are nuances specific to installing and deploying applications on a constrained device, which is what the book focuses on. While the main aim of the book is to give the user details about the various sections in the SCMAD exam, it does provide enough background information for someone new to J2ME to get started and does not assume any prior knowledge of mobile programming (other than knowledge of Java language, of course).

So, you should be able to use this book to get a good grasp of J2ME and eventually appear for the exam. As always, I'd recommend that you go to your nearest bookstore where the book is available and take a quick look.
Hi Pramod,

Please see the previous post for suggestions. There are also a number of references in other posts as well.
One book I know of (co-authored by myself and Ko Ko Naing), is the SCMAD Exam Guide. The book has received positive reviews (based on messages posted here). Currently, it is sold only in India and neighboring countries, but is available outside by request.

You can find the details here:
I wouldn't call Java ME as dead - anemic, maybe! Java ME along with its sister specs is quite capable and powerful, but I believe the lack of popularity is due to the heavily fragmented mobile market, with so many phone variations. As Java ME has to cater to the lowest common denominator unlike iPhone, which has only one type of device to support, it seems to be not as useful to the end-user. I don't think it's a problem that can be solved easily though.

With Blackberry adopting Java ME in its newer devices, I think the market is still there, but if you want to make a quick buck right now, iPhone is probably better. Android would definitely be a force to recon in future.
15 years ago
You'll have to be a bit more specific. In basic J2ME, there is no support for XML. However, there are some open source XML libraries available that are tuned for J2ME. A quick Google search will return a few.
15 years ago
To my knowledge, there is no full HTML support in any of the TextField classes either in RIM API or in the J2ME API. The closest is the ActiveRichTextField in RIM API that provides some functionality.
15 years ago
J2ME is comprised of a number of specifications and what your phone supports depends on what specs the manufacturer has implemented in the phone model. That said, the bare minimum API that is typically supported is CLDC and MIDP for mobile phones and these APIs support basic sockets, SMS, UDP, and HTTP. I don't think RMI is supported by default.

Apart from this, other APIs such as Bluetooth, WMA, and PIM provide support for other modes of communication.

Support for phone vibration is provided in the MIDP API by default and hence, is supported in most phones with basic J2ME capability. You can look at the MIDP API to find the appropriate methods and additional functionality (such as backlighting, which is also supported)
15 years ago
Blackberry's UI stack is quite different from J2ME. So, technically you don't have to know J2ME. However, as Swastik mentioned, a good understanding of J2ME will be quite helpful.
15 years ago