Shruti Verma

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since Dec 18, 2011
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I have a struts2 application, where in I do not want the file upload interceptor that is part of the default stack to run. I have tried doing this in multiple ways but looks like it is not getting disabled. Here is my struts.xml. Can someone please explain how to override the default interceptor stack so that I can remove/disable fileupload that is done by framework.

(I do understand that framework provides the feature for convenience but my situation is such that I need to ignore framework fileupload.)

I have set "struts.multipart.maxSize" = 0 so that even if FileUploadInterceptor is being called, it will not upload the file and I see an error in the log file for max file size exceeded. But my question is this constant should not be used at all. FileUploadInterceptor should not be called in the stack as I have removed it.

10 years ago

Dividing the QoS into 2 separate requirements really made the picture very clear for me. Thanks for your very helpful input!


In my assignment, one NFR is that all messages should be constructed and sent to the IP address of the API server in a specified amount of time.

I understand that when integrating with external systems, SLAs will be set. But how can one justify through architecture that these SLAs are met? Moreover, when SuD is sending messages to external system how can we depict that this NFR can be met.

I hope I am violating forum rules by asking this question.

Thanks Murali for sharing your opinion.

Is it necessary to show activation bars on the life line in sequence diagrams? Can I do without them as I understand they are generally optional. Candidates who have passed the exam, can you kindly provide your suggestions?

I have a very simple question about depicting dependency between components and between layers in component diagram -

Using bubble and socket


using <<uses>> stereotype with a dependency association (Cade's way)?
Thanks for your responses folks. I will jump right into designing with JSF!

I am new to this forum. I have started preparing for part 2 for the certification. I have a question regarding the presentation technology. I understand that a candidate needs to know JSF to even pass part 1. And I studied the basics of JSF for part 1. But I am not at a comfort level to architect a system using it. Can I use Struts instead? Can I fail the test for using Struts? If it is just that I would score low due to using Struts and not Sun technology, I feel I rather get a low score on a solution I am confident about rather than design a solution that I as an architect is not confident about and then either get a good score or possibly fail. Also I read in another post that I dont need to know JSF in length to design a solution using it. But won't I be asked questions in part 3 regarding JSF if I use it and wouldn't I be judged in my knowledge of JSF there?

Thanks a lot in advance!