Edward abban

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since Dec 21, 2011
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Recent posts by Edward abban

many thanks. you are all very helpful on the ranch. have a great new year.
13 years ago
Many thanks for your reply. Preferably person to person training. Are you based in the UK?
13 years ago
Thanks alot guys. you are a helpful bunch. Am on the road to learning java now, i have some ebooks on java and have just downloaded the jdk and netbeans from the oracle website. I am looking for a good java programmer to provide me and my mate practical hands on training for a fee. I have already put up a post for the training as getting trained by a developer with good commercial experience is different to that provided by a classroom teacher. Am sure you will agree with me. Please also do recommend one preferably in London or nearly, if you don't have spare time for the training. I could be reached via email - [email protected] Looking forward to java
13 years ago
Hi all. We are looking for a strong java programmer in London to provide flexible training to IT graduates for a fee. Please contact Ed at [email protected] Cheers
13 years ago
Hi guys. I would like to get into the Android Mobile development field but have very minimal programming experience. Can someone advise me on how to get started. To what level do I need to know java programming before starting a Android mobile developer course? Do I need to be a complete java programmer first as java is quite big. Please advise. Thanks alot.
13 years ago
Hi guys, please can anyone advise me how to commence my career as an Android developer. I have very minimal programming skills. How well do I need to know java before taking an Android course/training? Do I need to be a java programmer first before taking the Android course or what, its a bit confusing as java is huge on its own and can be a never ending journey. Will I be able to work freelance on my own in this field apart from being employed? Much appreciated
13 years ago