P Arunkumar

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since Jan 05, 2012
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Recent posts by P Arunkumar

Hi Team,

My user id is : jenifer.rajakumar. I have posted some confidental information in that login so please delete my all post. Please save me and my job. If the post is not deleted my job will go. I came from poor famil for me job is so important so please delete my post my humble request
10 years ago

in panel grid i kept 4 colums , first panel grid colums and second pangrid colums are not alligning properly. it wants to be like table




A1 B1 C1 D1

IT WANTS TO COME LIKE THIS, please help me to solve my issue

for me the result is comming like


A1 B1 C1 D1

the second pannelgrid row colums are not comming in order like 1 panelgrid.

11 years ago
Hi Rafael

Are you trying to retrieving the values from DB means can you share the code.

You can't edit one field are all the fields, if one field other fields you can means please check the variable spelling for the particular field.
11 years ago

Iam new to development field iam having one task in that browse picture one word will be there if we click on that browser option window wants to open. same like upload files window.

Iam having some browser code but is not my exact output.

But my concept is click picture text with hyperlink will come if we click the browser window wants to open then we can select the path of image and the image wants to display in jsp page no need to save that image in database just display on jsp page.

please help me to solve my iisue please guide me and give some idea to solve my issue please solve my issue.

No one is not there to help me to solve my problem in my office because iam developing alone please help me.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago

Iam developing one website in that i wants to bring google search box inside of my site in any one of my corner i wants to search particular things and i wants to get the results inside my site itself please help to solve my issue. iam new to developing filed and no one is not there to help me in my office, iam using java+J2EE.

I can use any concepts related to java concepts so please guid eme in which concept i can bring this information inside my website.

Thanks in Advance.
12 years ago

Iam using struts2 tiles concept i have created header, menu in left side , body in right and footer in down. its working fine but i wants to create header, menu left, body in middle, menu in right and footer in down. please help me to solve my issue iam having menu in left only now i want in menu left ,body middle and one more menu in right. no one is not there to help me in my office , so please guide me.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago

i have tried it is working fine in java but i tried to connect with jsp, servlet + oracle its showing Null pointer Exception.

My Jsp code is working fine


My servlet code :


My oracle DB:

I am accessing tomcat with: localhost/8080 and oracle 10g with:localhost:80/apex

Table name ADDUSER


Iam getting null pointer exception please solve my issue i can't guess why iam getting error please help me.

thanks in advance.
12 years ago

Please guide me and solve my issue, please anyone reply for my post, its my request.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago

Iam trying to connect oracle 10g XE with java but iam having some confusion please help me to solve my issue.

I am accessing tomcat with: localhost/8080 and oracle 10g with:localhost:80/apex

My schema name is hr password is hr

My code is :

Please guide me iam doing correct or not please help to solve my issue, iam using ojdbc14.jar, servlet-api.jar file

Error is
HTTP Status 404 - /trial/servlet/Login1


type Status report

message /trial/servlet/Login1

description The requested resource (/trial/servlet/Login1) is not available.

Please solve my issue, I not having any one to solve my issue in my office please guide me iam developing alone please solve y issue.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago

I am developing my project in eclipse, i can connect my database its working fine then my issue is while iam export that file into war file, i don't know how to get that database data into my project folder. iam new to developing field please guide me.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago
To return an image as its response how i wants to create html page please iam beginner, if iam doing some mistake please guide me.
12 years ago
I didn't design any page to return an image as its response.
12 years ago
iam having one more idea please tell me it will be possible or not. by using some condition i can open image from local system because iam going to give demo in mylap please if possible or not please me
12 years ago
what i didn't get your point , what image servlet
12 years ago
please give some idea i wants to open image as output please help me, morning is my demo please. iam having only 5hr. please help me, to guide or help no one is not there in my office please. give some code
12 years ago