Originally posted by Jitender Bhatia:
>>Do you map the sequence objects to the classes?
If you mean do we use Classbject notation, well not necessary.
>>In the component diagrams,do you add servlet or ejb packages?
Originally posted by Jitu:
No i did not change either the domain model or use cases.
I had provided :
1 class diagram
4 Component digrams
4 sequence diagrams.
It would not matter how many classes etc. you create. I had 17. Mostly domain classes and a few other. But no JSPs/Servlets etc.
You must cover all requirements. I named my classes appropriately, so it is easy to understand which class is for what.
Used and documented the design patterns.
Put notes in my diagrams where i felt it was necessary.
Kept my documentation clear and short.
Originally posted by Jignesh:
Hi All
I have just pass out SCEA with 81%
my break ups are
Class Diagram (44 maximum) ............................... 35
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ........................... 36
Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ............. 10