please see the below url .
I hope it will help you to know about Display tag in struts
Riyas Hameed wrote:Hi All, This is my requirement.
Hi All, This is my requirement.
3) There employee can typed their own message and sumbit it.
4) once submit the message , Application has send a send a alert mail to the Administrator or modeartor.
5) if the content of the message is fair they will publish the message otherwise they will delete the message
8) once they published the message , our application has to display the message in both PC and TV (They are placed in two traffic places like cafteria and Auditorium .)
9) Application has to display the mesage inside the bubbles in Tv and PC (like in TV add they are displaying the contens inside bubbles)
10)Application has to refresh the message for a particular minutes I am planing to do in J2EE, can we fulfill the requiremnts in J2EE . please suggest me to start the application I need to display the output in both PC and TV .
I am not aware about to display the output in TV so please help me.
Expecting your valuabe response. Thanks in Advance.
Paul Clapham wrote:Riyas, please don't quote your own posts. That isn't what the quoting feature is for and it just makes it confusing for everybody else. I've edited your posts to unquote them. As for your question (or at least one version of it): Use an int variable. When a client connects to your server, increment that variable. When a client disconnects, decrement it.