Riyas Hameed

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since Jan 07, 2012
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Recent posts by Riyas Hameed

Hi All,
I am doing my application in Struts 1.2.
My requirement is used to display 6 messages (texboxes )in jsp page text boxes.
I have stored all the messages in Array list . using iterator tag ,
As of now all the ten message are displaying in jsp page. Array list contains 10 values.
At first I have to display the first 6 messages in jtext boxes after particular intervals I have to display the remaining 4 message in Jsp page text boxes .
I dont know how to display it. please give me suggestion.

Thanks in Advance
Regards , Riyasdeen
12 years ago
Hi All,

I am developing a application using STRUTS 1.2.

Created a Arraylist which hold 10 values .using Iterate tag I can created a text box for each value and displayed the values in text boxes at a time in jsp page .its working fine.

But my requirement is used to display the text box one by one ..

for example Array list contains 5 values ..

First text box loaded the first value from the array list once it loaded in JSP page another text box has to display with second value of the Array list..like this five text box has to load one by one .

please give me a idea to fulfil my requirement.

Thanks in Advance.

12 years ago
Hi All,

I need to publish my web page in particular system.

From my J2EE web application I have option called publish once I pressed the publish button ,I have to publish the web page (jsp page)in another system explorer automatically.

please give me a suggestion to complete this.

Thanks in Advance.

12 years ago
Hi All,

Any one please help me to fulfil my requirement, I have stucked up .

I dont know how to publish the message in only two system .

using struts 1.2 I have displayed the message information in tables.now the admin select some message and choose the publish option.

Here i have stucked up. I dont have an idea how to published the message in only two system.

please give some idea to achive my requirement.

Expecting your valuable response.

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago
Good.. you can learn struts basic things in that site.
12 years ago
Hi All,

I have fixed the above issue .Now I can get the selected checkbox value .its is working fine now.

12 years ago

I have displayed the database details in jsp page using display tag.it is working fine . I dont knw how to retain the selected check box value. My requirement is used to find the selected box value, so i can delete the record in the database . please advise me .

Thanks in Advacne
12 years ago
Thanks for your suggestion.

I dont know how to display the publish message in only two system .

I have displayed the message information in tables.now the admin select some message and choose the publish option.

Here i have stucked up. I dont have an idea how to display the published message in only two system.
please give some idea to achive my requirement.

Expecting your valuable response.
12 years ago
Hi All,

I am new to struts , using the pred defined display tag I have created a table and display the database information in the table. it is working fine
I need to user choose the list of rows from the display table to delete . so i have added check box in the dislay tag but i dont know how to set the selected check box values in the form bean.

I have added my display tag code.I need to get the checkbox selected values and delete the record from the database .once i get the list of selected check box values then i will form the query to delete the record . please advise me and correct me if anything wrong in the code .
Thanks in Advance.
12 years ago

please see the below url .


I hope it will help you to know about Display tag in struts

12 years ago
so please help me. Expecting your valuabe response. Thanks in Advance.
12 years ago

Riyas Hameed wrote:Hi All, This is my requirement.

Hi All, This is my requirement.
3) There employee can typed their own message and sumbit it.
4) once submit the message , Application has send a send a alert mail to the Administrator or modeartor.
5) if the content of the message is fair they will publish the message otherwise they will delete the message
8) once they published the message , our application has to display the message in both PC and TV (They are placed in two traffic places like cafteria and Auditorium .)
9) Application has to display the mesage inside the bubbles in Tv and PC (like in TV add they are displaying the contens inside bubbles)
10)Application has to refresh the message for a particular minutes I am planing to do in J2EE, can we fulfill the requiremnts in J2EE . please suggest me to start the application I need to display the output in both PC and TV .

I am not aware about to display the output in TV so please help me.
Expecting your valuabe response. Thanks in Advance.

12 years ago

Paul Clapham wrote:Riyas, please don't quote your own posts. That isn't what the quoting feature is for and it just makes it confusing for everybody else. I've edited your posts to unquote them. As for your question (or at least one version of it): Use an int variable. When a client connects to your server, increment that variable. When a client disconnects, decrement it.

Thanks Paul, here after it wont happen
Hi All, This is my requirement.

Hi All, This is my requirement.
1) Application will be intergrate along with company portal (web based ) . so all the employee can acces this application with in the portal.
2) Its a interactive application , Once press our application main button from thr portal, we have to redirect to our application home page
3) There employee can typed their own message and sumbit it.
4) once submit the message , Application has send a send a alert mail to the Administrator or modeartor.
5) Administrator will look up the mesage which has been sumbitted by the employee.
6) if the content of the message is fair they will publish the message otherwise they will delete the message
7) we have to provide three option to the administrator ,they are Publish, Delete , Stored.
8) once they published the message , our application has to display the message in both PC and TV (They are placed in two traffic places like cafteria and Auditorium .)
9) Application has to display the mesage inside the bubbles in Tv and PC (like in TV add they are displaying the contens inside bubbles)
10)Application has to refresh the message for a particular minutes I am planing to do in J2EE, can we fulfill the requiremnts in J2EE . please suggest me to start the application I need to display the output in both PC and TV .

I am not aware about to display the output in TV so please help me.
Expecting your valuabe response. Thanks in Advance.
12 years ago