Simon Song

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I look into WAS5 docs about JNDI Naming service. I found for pure Java client to access EJB, it has to know if the EJB is deployed on single server or in a cluster.
And dumpNameSpace.bat only dumps local Node JNDI tree!
Come on, this is totally bad design. Why JNDI has to be seperated at Cell/Node level, and why application must be aware of this?
To me, one JNDI tree per domain is just right, each NodeAgent backs up each other as JNDI name service provider, and DeploymentManager serves as the master copy.
What's your opinion? I want to hear more opinions on this and head for WebSphere FRD for change.
[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Simon Song ]
21 years ago
Probably manul rewrite these files. IBM doesn't have util to cover it.
21 years ago
From my previous investigation, even MQ doens't support that transparent failover feature you need.
It is true also in WLS 7.1/8.0.
22 years ago
I bet it will be much less efficient, especially under heavy load. For a customer demo, it is just fine.
You'd open a PMR against IBM for this issue, or send email to the As/400 Toolkit developer(you may find their email address in the newsgroup).
22 years ago
>Property is "translate binary=true"
>As in the URL
> "jdbc b2:localhost;translate binary=true"
>or you could put it in the connection properties object that gets passed on
>the connect methods.
>BTW: Its is a feature. ;-) Without some way to represent binary data you
>would not be able to serial java objects and put them into the database
>without data translation happening to them. Also, you could not optimize
>out data translation by putting raw UTF-8 data in the database.
>I know... its a little annoying, but its a necessary evil (for now anyway).
>I would like to see the keyword binary and varbinary available on the
>system (and have it used as a real data type - not just a mask over the top
>of CHAR FOR BIT DATA. Maybe someday, but probably not someday soon.
>Richard D. Dettinger
>AS/400 Java Data Access Team
22 years ago
Add it as an property to the datasource.
22 years ago
Since WAS 4.0, there is already an embedded HTTPServer with each AppServer.
The external webserver uses HTTP(no longer OSE) to reroute requests to AppServer(servlet Engine).
Also this embedded HTTPServer serves for webservice requests.
IBM still recommend having an external webserver for performance/security/scalability for production deployment.
22 years ago
It is available in WAS4.0, you can search it in the InfoCenter for WAS4.0. Search for key word "hot deployment", basically you have to enable it in the EAR level, and redeploy EJB means restart the whole EAR.
22 years ago
Maybe there is also max appls/connections setting at the instance level?
And you must have defined 6 datasource inside WAS, each has maximum connections over 10?(default is 10)
22 years ago
sjlc.jar and sjlcx.jar
22 years ago
Check your DD, maybe you foget to associate the DS name with the real global DS name?
22 years ago
You must have this class in some other Jars. Or try remove ear, and reinstall it with your new version.
22 years ago
Look into your web application deployment descriptor IBM extension part, you have to turn on autoreload there. The default setting turns it off, you must specify a reloadinterval also.
22 years ago
Yeah, you need dl efix to resolve the Merant license issue.
See IBM support site for more information.
22 years ago