>Property is "translate binary=true"
>As in the URL
> "jdbc

b2:localhost;translate binary=true"
>or you could put it in the connection properties object that gets passed on
>the connect methods.
>BTW: Its is a feature. ;-) Without some way to represent binary data you
>would not be able to serial java objects and put them into the database
>without data translation happening to them. Also, you could not optimize
>out data translation by putting raw UTF-8 data in the database.
>I know... its a little annoying, but its a necessary evil (for now anyway).
>I would like to see the keyword binary and varbinary available on the
>system (and have it used as a real data type - not just a mask over the top
>of CHAR FOR BIT DATA. Maybe someday, but probably not someday soon.
>Richard D. Dettinger
>AS/400 Java Data Access Team