Deepak Rao

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since Jan 24, 2012
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Recent posts by Deepak Rao


What are the best open tools available for graphing?

7 years ago
Hi Zak and Anne,

Just wanted to know, on using web sql database and whether thats covered in the book.

Hi Simon,

I would like to know about the scalability of this stack. Mainly, I would like to know and understand whether node.js really scales for highly concurrent real time applications.

Hi Andres,

This is a tough one.
If we are dealing with established products or frameworks, we might have certain benchmarks available which can be used to make an indicative guess.
But there is more to that. Especially for a new application, we would need some benchmarks to finalize the total capacity. Atleast some basic tests to identify the applications scalability pattern and its service time.

9 years ago
Hi Fernando,

With more and more SPA frameworks, is there a movement of more things(business logic) to the front end? How do we decide on what aspects(other than rendering info ) to be brought into the frontend.
And is there any basic discipline to adhere to?

Hi Ashutosh.

When it failed to deploy what message did it give.
Your WLS could have been using Sun JDK and in WAS you might have used ibm JDK. Hope you used the approprate Java parameters for WAS(things like GC policy etc are different).

Other thing that everyone will like to know is
a. What were the versions of WAS and WLS
b. what was the heap size

12 years ago
Hi Maya,

I think you are talking about the autocomplete. That is a browser feature which can be turned off in browser.

But I think there is a autocomplete="off" attribute for the form as well.
Give that a try.


You have 2 classes and both are public in the same file. Only one should be public.
Remove the public from GameHelper class.
Run the SimpleDotCom class.

12 years ago
There are a number of examples for calling webservices online.
You can start with Java without losing your DB edge. A mixture of strong Java and Oracle skills is extremely useful in the industry.
12 years ago
Hi Preethi,

What OS are you using? Are you looking for any Java solution.

Try reading up on CRON for scheduling in Unix flavours.

If you are using windows , you can use Task Scheduler.

12 years ago

Just do it the way you normally call webservices. I would have a POJO helper class which calls the webservice using jax-ws(maybe). I would call the pojo class from the EJB.


Try using "Dynatrace Ajax Edition" to find out what exactly is the issue in the js for IE.It could be some specific method call.

12 years ago
Ok So you are using both Oracle and MySQL.
Are you able to connect to MySQL through your program?
Please check if you are using the right drivers for Oracle?
You can also post a small code snippet ,just as to how you are trying to connect. It will be useful for people to help you.

Hi Smita,

Are you able to connect to the DB through any DB client without JDBC?
