Sandeep. Oza

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since Feb 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Sandeep. Oza

Hi All,
I am making InputStream from a XML file. Parsing it using JAXB. XML file is well fomed.
First time while parsing, JAXB throws an error as :
DefaultValidationEventHandler: [FATAL_ERROR]: Whitespace required before attributes
But after 3-4 retries... JAXB parses it succesfully. So where is the problem....???.
If something is wrong in XML file, it should not parse.... then how parsing successfuly after few retries...??
Will there be anything wrong while making InputStream...??? It's code is as :
input is my XML String.
String data = input.getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream binaryobject = new;
Any Idea..?? Pl. Help.
Thanks in Advance.
Sandeep Oza
Hi All,
I have a very typical problem in my java jsp application runs on solaris box with Tomcat 4.1.18 server.
In my jsp page i have written response.sendRedirect("taskListPage.jsp");
Tomcat shows error... file /jsp/tasklistpage.jsp not found.
Note: i have given L and P uppercase in my code.. but tomcat finds lowercase. And I am sure .. any nowhere i have mention lowercase file name... Then why it forward to lowercase file name..??? naturally that file does not exist.
Pl. help...
Thanks in advance.
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Thank you William.
I have tried using mimetype mapping in web.xml file. But still gives download file option instead of rendering. Will I have to install any separate SVG viewer...???
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Hi All'
I am running ny application on Apache Tomcat 4.1.18. When i am calling svg file, it prompts me to download... instead of rendering and displaying.
On tomcat 3.2.4 and 4.1.0 it works fine... Why not on higher version.... ???
Shall I have to make changes in configuration.... ???
Thanks in advance for the guidance.
Good Day,
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Thank you Lasse.
My xml file is very large having lot of tags with attributes... I want to display it as user friendly.. In TextArea, it will not get displayed properly and second thing is that, the user who modify not technical. If he change any tags... or delete any tags... anything.. then xml will not parse...I want to display some predefined fields, whose data(content) can be change .. not the tag also.
Else for smaller file your approach is the best.
Sandeep Oza
Hi All,
In my java-jsp application, I am displaying xml file on the browser as html rendering using CSS.
Now I want to make change in data(content) of few predefined tags(fields).
And again save this xml(html to xml) file.
So how to make this editable...??? How to transform html to xml and save...??
Pl. help.
Thanks in advance.
Sandeep Oza
Hi all,
I am retrieving(reading) xml data from BLOB,oracle database. But it reads/shows only content of the xml tags, and not the tags. I mean...
BLOB contains binary data as.. <Name> Sandeep </Name>. But it shows/reads only Sandeep. and not the tag <Name></Name>.
Shall I have to set some encoding types during reading...???
Pl. guide..
Thanks in Advance.
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Thanks Andrez,
Actually i am listening to a port to socket... as i get any message.. I am starting my further process using a new thread... this thread remains alive till i got reply message from another application/socket.. then i wan to stop this thread.. let me try using your solution..
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Hi All,
In my java application in one method(say abd()) of a class, i have start new thread every time when my jsp page calls that method abd().
But i am not destrying this thread after using it. So... application gives "Fatal Error..." after about 900 iterations ( calling this method)
This is because i am not stop threads after use..( I think)..
So.. what shall i do..??? how to recognize which threads .. how many threads are live...?? and so how to kill them...???
Pl. help.
Thanks in Advance.
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Hi All,
I am storing my xml file in BLOB field of my table in Oracle Database. Now I have to extract it from database and to show/display on browser.
Any Idea ...??? I know how to retrieve and write to a new say abc.xml file. But how to display it on browser ??? using jsp.
Thanks in advance.
Good DAy,
Sandeep Oza
21 years ago
Hi all,
I need some sites/url wherein I can find Question/Answers on EJB. I am preparing to appear for EJB Technical Test in some company.
I would appriciate your help.
have a good day
sandeep oza
Dear Rechard,
Write as:
test = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("../examples/count.txt"));
Good Day.
Sandeep Oza
22 years ago
Pl don't do such cross postings...
Post your question only in one forum.. Be honest..
Sandeep Oza
22 years ago
Dear Yasser,
Check foll url..
It is the Best to upload file.. Fill the form and download class/jar file.
Good Day.
Sandeep Oza
22 years ago
Dear Sun+Moon,
pl. ask this question in Apache/Tomcat Forum..
Sandeep Oza
22 years ago