This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

anjan singh

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since Feb 04, 2012
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I figured it out.

it was very simple. Find below the code.

Just adding a setter for header does the trick.

And in file add header property to your layout:


How can I read the header text dynamically rather than hardcoding it in the "MyPatternLayout " class itself.

The situation is somewhat like this:
I have 50 files on which i need headers. Each file will have unique header.

How can I get this done by just writing one "MyPatternLayout " class and passing it the header text as an argument. Most preferably the header text could be done from itself.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...
here is my problem--

I have 4 classes - Starter , Database and Scheduler and a Test class.

Test class will create a new instance of Starter (which loads and starts the entire process). Starter initializes Scheduler and Database classes.

Test class passes a data to Starter. Starter stores it in a HashMap in Database class. Scheduler reads the same HashMap from Database class.

Now to ensure that the exact same HashMap is access by all classes throughout my java project, I have 2 options-- to make HashMap static or to make Database a singleton class. I have made Database a singleton class for now.

The problem-- if Test class does this

Starter starterInstance1 = new Starter();

Starter starterInstance2 = new Starter();

how do i ensure starterInstance1 and starterInstance2 have their own instance of Database class or the HashMap?
12 years ago