I think ur TagHandler class should be in "WEB-INF/tld/com/mydomain/servlets/view/template/tags " instead of "WEB-INF/classes/com/mydomain/servlets/view/template/tags " Try this out.
Hi, I am new to Tag libs and trying to dip my fingures into it. I find that they do similar job as a Java bean do? Am I wrong ? Can any body tell me what's the advantage of Tag Libs over Java Beans. Regards, Mustang.
In Rational Rose, what is the diff between extend sterotyped relationship and include sterotyped relationship. Is the extend a kind of generalization ?
I am working in india presently and looking towards Europe for an opportunity. It would be great help if somebody can give a few pointers. Regards, Mustang.
What I feel is ur class is not getting the interface. Did u import the package ? If u can provide the source code of both the interface and the impl class, that could be a help.
U can use JTA in a non-EJB enterprise applications provided ur app server supports it. U can opt for JTA if u want to have full command over the transactions.
U can use JTA in a non-EJB enterprise applications provided ur app server supports it. U can opt for JTA if u want to have full command over the transactions.
What I had given is just an eample, u can replace any number of single quotes with double quotes when u say s = s.replace('\'', '\"'); This will replace all occurences of ' with ". Yeah u can use this with StringBuffer as well. Regards, Mustang.
This is just a suggestion, try printing the values u got from the servlet and the database. Also use equalsIgnoreCase() to checkthe strings. This might help
Hi, I am new to XML and was trying to run my 1st program. This is my code import java.io.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser; public class ParserDemo { private final String uri = "c:\\jas\\xml\\test.xml"; public ParserDemo() { XMLReader parser = new SAXParser(); log("Parser creatd..."); log("parsing: "+uri); try { parser.parse(uri); } catch(Exception e) { log("Error :"+e.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String arg[]) { new ParserDemo(); } public void log(String s) { System.out.println(s); } }
When I try to run this it gives an error Error : Connection Timedout :Connect. Can anybody pl explain. Regards, Mustang.
Why cant we use just this String s = "This is ''' my string"; System.out.println(s); s = s.replace('\'', '\"'); System.out.println(s);1 This prints out This is ''' my string and This is """ my string