Amro Ali

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since Feb 29, 2012
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Recent posts by Amro Ali

@Jeanne not a problem at all- hope everything is good your end and that the circumstances of the delay are not grave.

All the best to you and yours.

3 months ago

I have sent the email for the  Head First Software Architecture: A Learner's Guide to Architectural Thinking more than three days back

Could you please check on it?

Many thanks,

3 months ago

I have recently relocated to a Gulf country that has ambitious digital transformation plans- I am faced with a situation where I need to design Applications that by project conclusion, should be in line and take maximum benefit of the other digital transformation projects within the organization the application is being built for.

The projects include investing in Enterprise architecture including establishing Enterprise integration platforms, data transformation that should support heavy predictive analytics and gen AI to leverage textual records in the search and information provided within the application portal, as well as include low code no code components that facilitate users to create and manage business workflows to name a few.

My question is, how can I best approach establishing initial design and evolving as the other digital transformation projects progress?
3 months ago
thanks for your quick reply-
Is there a scheduler that ships with tomcat 7 as well?
12 years ago
previous versions of tomcat I worked with didn't have a way of managing deployed applications from a GUI. Wondering if 7 is different?
12 years ago
I am currently using Java 5 concepts in development, yet I feel the need of getting up to date, will the book help me cover this or help me apply new java 7 concepts?
12 years ago
Thanks Lee for your reply This book will definitely add a lot to me.
I have worked with some web services but I'm not knowledgeable in SOA.

Thanks for the compliment- Your list is good and covers the main issue that usually occurs with deployment ( an incomplete deploy leaving an xml or war in the deploy directory).
I delete from the database just to make sure that a new deployment is valid and no problems would occur.

12 years ago

Thanks a lot, Amro, you do have good idea for migration. :-)

Thanks so much! Coming from you, that is HUGE praise!
12 years ago
Thanks Guy, didn't know someone has already written the steps i posted in a blog. always useful to have a link
12 years ago
The properties mentioned in your post is for user community pages. In liferay communities are the core site. each user may have their own community private or public pages.

You already have a default community that ships with the liferay tomcat bundle. You can have the company pages and anonymous pages there using permissions.
Liferay enables adding permissions based on roles to pages. when you add a page, you can add permissions using the dockbar: Manage>Pages select the page and then select the permissions

When a user is created you can decide to create a community for them, in turn creating a private page and public page. you probably want the private and public pages to have specific content, that is where you will find another property that specifies the portlet and what columns in the layout they are placed in.

To have some users have private pages, and others have public pages, will mean that you have to seperate between users somehow. That will mean that you will have to give different users different roles.

The rest comes down to communities and pages and how you display the pages in a menu in your themes. you can have the user login land you on a specific community page. This will require ext project where you will edit the post login actions and user creation of pages when signing up/logging in. ( search for the class names that are considered post login in

you should also check the "Settings" in the portal section of the control panel. that will add default associations for the users (roles and communities) when they sign up. With the complex distinctions of users you will definitely need to extend liferay code in an ext project.

Try though, as much as possible to have the pages available as part of the default community and give permissions to it, and make them appear in the navigation menu based on level. It will help alot.

As for your follow up post, I suggest you'd have the default to enable the creation of the private/public pages. it will be a pain to recreate for existing users, whilst if you create and not make any links in navigation menu or dock bar, it would be much easier.


12 years ago
I agree.. you need to code a lot, but it would help to know the following when coding :

For themes and layouttpl you need Apache velocity, css, jQuery or AlloyUI as a javascript library and HTML

For portlets you need to understand JSR 286 for custom portlet development, an understanding of Spring, Hibernate and axis would help. You will also need to understand how the service.xml in the liferay framework for back end and Service layer generation. you will need knowledge of the permissions framework in liferay as well if you want custom permissions.

other than that, there will come times you will need to expand on the liferay source. for minor adjustments (editing jsps or adding some extra steps in service methods) use liferay hooks. For major changes you will need to use the ext. To handle liferay hooks and ext you will need to understand Struts 1.0 as well as liferay MVC.
Axis would help for exposing services. you will definitely need to adjust the in the ext using

The ideal Application server for liferay is Tomcat and for IDE use eclipse and liferay plugins for it, or you can download the liferay developer studio (not sure if this is available to community users)

Portal source will help you extensively when extending and developing in liferay hooks and ext.
12 years ago
Take a look at this blog for details on using expando. I know it's written in velocity, but velocity leverages java objects and methods.

If you require more detailed examples in java just reply again to the post and I'll post some.
12 years ago