Chandrasekhar Aadhanapattu

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since Feb 29, 2012
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Recent posts by Chandrasekhar Aadhanapattu

I am answering my self.

The issue is just the context path of loading the swf(flash) file of Data Tables.

From the below code which is responsible for pagination/filtration, export etc.,

I have just changed a small snippet according to our project context as follows:



That's it. I hope it may be helpful to somebody.

We have to export data using Data Tables to CSV and PDF. Buttons are displayed to export but not getting save dialog box when we click those buttons. I think it is because of, I have one more dialog box using jquery in my same JSP. Following is the code:

Help is appreciable. Save dialog box has to appear when we click on those export buttons.

It was solved and I am answering myself.

If we use Struts and have ajax calls, then it depends on whether we want to have ajax call by submitting form or without submitting form. If we want to submit the form, then option 1. If we do not want to submit the form and want to have ajax calls then option 2.

1. Embedding all html content inside <html:form></html:form> tag and call concerned action in ajax calls as follows:

2. If we don't want to submit the whole form by calling the concerned actions, then do not put the html content in between <html:form></html:form> tags and have Ajax calls as follows:

I hope it may help. Please let me know if you have any queries.
10 years ago

I am using Struts 1.3.10 and making Ajax calls to Struts Dispatch Action. But I am getting the exception. the code and exception details are as follows:


Java dispatch action class:

Struts Config:


Error Message:

This is happening when we click on "accept" buttons of page. Quick help is appreciable.

10 years ago
Hi Willim,

I have pasted the request and response which tracked using TCPIP Monitor in this same thread above.

Please check and help me.

12 years ago
Still same error.

Any help please.
12 years ago
You are correct.

I am not able to get the WSDL when I try to access the Web service with the following URLs. I am getting always web page saying "Hello World"

1. http://localhost:8080/vega/services/EpgFileTransferSOAP?wsdl (JBoss Localhost Port)
2. http://localhost:18310/vega/services/EpgFileTransferSOAP?wsdl (TCPIP configured custom port)

I am able to see the following in my logs when server startup.

does it impactin anyway? How can I see the WSDL? How can I fix the issue?

12 years ago
These are my WSDL contents. I am referring my localhost as endpoint URL.

WSDL Schema definition:

EndPoint URL

Please let me know if there are mistakes.
12 years ago
Thanks for responses. I am using TCPIP Monitor to capture the request/response.

Please find the request/resposne I am getting through TCPIP monitor. I am getting two request and two responses as follows:





Do I need to change the WSDL? I am using the same client code with Axis which was generated using RAd for Websphere. do I need to re-generate the client using JBoss IDE for JBoss 5.1 however I have re-generated the server side code with JBossWS specification.

Please clarify me
1. whether I need to change the WSDL due to change of AppServer
2. Whether I need to re-generate the client code again due to change of AppServer and IDE

Please help me.
12 years ago

We are migrating from Websphere 6.0 to JBoss 5.1 where we have one web service.

When I try to invoke the web service using my client code, I am getting the following exception:

Please help me if anybody have idea
12 years ago

We have requirement to use SLF4J. So I am using Logback as backend. I have SLF4J version 1.5.11 and logback 0.9.18.

I am getting the log with double timestamp as follows:
09:55:24,777 INFO [STDOUT] 09:55:24.777 [http-localhost%] DEBUG c.m.e.m.a.a.UpdateBusinessPartnerContactAction - EditCreatePartner method in UpdateBusinessPartnerContactAction called.

Jboss is superseding our configuration for logging.

Please let me know where it has gone wrong.

12 years ago
I am answering my question myself which may be helpful for somebody.

Removed configuration in web.xml and jboss.web.xml for this JBoss Work Manager.

Have the following configuration in applicationContext.xml

Hope it will help somebody.

Thanks, Chaandrasekhar Aadhanapattu
12 years ago
I have a requirement to configure JBoss WorkManager in my application. Earlier the configuration was as follows:

The clas "WorkManagerTaskExecutor" is intended for WebSphere and WebLogc. But we are migrating our application from WebSphere to JBOss. So I have the following configuration.




Exception Log:

Please help me regarding this to fix where I am struggling.

12 years ago