Kaue Grecchi

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since Mar 07, 2012
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Sorry ressurecting the topic but I have the same problem. I have an IceFaces <ice:dataTable> that iterates from a List (here called "dataList") and generates a table.
dataList has the attributes: id, name, category, scenario and scope.

The table must show 2 columns:
- The "name" of the current data from the list;
- A commandButton that redirects to a page to see it's details (the other attributes);

The question is: how set the "id" attribute in the Managed Bean with the data's "id" from the row wich button was clicked.

Like this:

ROW1 | Button1
ROW2 | Button2
ROW3 | Button3
ROW4 | Button4
ROW5 | Button5

Button3 is clicked, the id "3" is passed to the managed bean, the form redirects to the detailed view of the data and retrieves the "id" of the row 3... Hope I made myself understood.

Tim, as you seem to be the guru around here... where can I get detailed information on the use of JSF managed beans, using FacesContext and PhaseListener kind of stuff? I only find simple examples with them but without information on -what- is really getting done.

Thanks a lot!
12 years ago
I'm trying to make a simple JSF project wich shows a login page, if the user is not logged, or the main application's screen, if it is. I'm trying to do this declaring the following in my index.xhtml:

Due to the use of Facelets + CSS I'm getting visually messed up pages that are shown up correctly after pressing the refresh button. What I'm looking for is an equivalent to a <ui:forward> tag, just like there used to be in JSP. Am I using the wrong approach? I've searched stuff about using PhaseListener, FacesContext, JSP and so on, but I want an approach that uses the most JSF/Facelets markups and separates the navigation logic from the backing beans.

PS.: It has been years since I made my last registration in a code forum, and I've searched a lot already, with no success.
12 years ago