Kumar Ponmaheswaran

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since Mar 10, 2012
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Recent posts by Kumar Ponmaheswaran

Hi all,
I have a mule application i tried to create the .WAR file for that.When i give the "mvn compile war:war " command from my application root directory i am getting below error:

Please let me know what i want to do to create the .WAR file and what i missed?
Please help me to create the WAR file through maven tool.


12 years ago
I have a JSON String which will contain SOAP Message content. This is my JSON string:

I want to get the value of customerFirstName.
Give me some suggestions how to get it.
Hi William ,

This is the code i am using , i want to display the output in different JSP page .But this JSP page itself getting the response through the callback function xmlhttp.onreadystatechange= handler;

Is it possible to get this response in the another JSP file?Please give some idea to proceed further because i am struggling for a week.... Nobody has responded to my question...

12 years ago
Now i have edited my problem. Is it possible to achieve?

From a JSP page i just want to send the SOAP request to a server without getting a response on the same page. i.e. the response should not come to the same page from where i requested. In browser i want to display the response in different jsp page . How to achieve this using javascript or JAVA
12 years ago
Hi all,
From a JSP page i just want to send the SOAP request to a server without getting a response on the same page. i.e. the response should not come to the same page from where i requested. In browser i want to display the response in different jsp page . How to achieve this using javascript or JAVA
12 years ago
Hi friends,
I tried the below sample :

This sample is regarding SOAP sample now my problem is i am getting the SOAP response in the form of XML from the server.
I want to populate this xml data into my jsp page.Please help me if anybody have an idea.

12 years ago