Comal Rajagopalaratnam Muthukumar

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since Mar 18, 2012
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Recent posts by Comal Rajagopalaratnam Muthukumar

Norm Radder wrote:Are you making progress going through the errors and fixing them one  by one?  I see that there are many simple errors that need to be fixed.

If you need more help, Be sure to post the new, updated code and any error messages you are having problems with.

idea of class by class compilation

Yes, that is a good idea.  Move all the classes to their own, separate files and compile separately.

having copil

Very splendid of you to be so generous in redering help to the needy ones
Contextually the compiled code (errorless) is to be tested for its validity provide let me know who is having networksystem using java.THis jchat software is to be tried between two different system under neetwork So write as to how bwst i do it(perhaps an mailid)

Have a good dy!!

3 years ago

Comal Rajagopalaratnam Muthukumar wrote:

Norm Radder wrote:Have you separated the classes into separate files?
What happens when each of them is compiled?

I t has been a good day since my since my debugging work gets completed without even being separated iinto diffeent sgregation
Really hardwork beats talent when talen fails to work hard!!
The out put is herwith attachedCompilation from jdk15 did brin in result
Thanks all for kind Co operation.

The prg though gives output but its validty is to be tested for sending message and receiving message  from two different system in betwork
As such your suggestions  if feasible shall be tried
3 years ago

Norm Radder wrote:Have you separated the classes into separate files?
What happens when each of them is compiled?

I t has been a good day since my since my debugging work gets completed without even being separated iinto diffeent sgregation
Really hardwork beats talent when talen fails to work hard!!
The out put is herwith attachedCompilation from jdk15 did brin in result
Thanks all for kind Co operation.
3 years ago

Rob Spoor wrote:

Rob Spoor wrote:* Invalid quote characters ( instead of ").

Those are all those 0x9D characters that are giving so many compiler errors. Fix those first.

However, considering there are so many errors, I suggest that you first fix the obvious simple errors that you can using find-and-replace: quotes, Menultem, etc. Then, go through the code line by line and fix the error that the compiler mentions. Use an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ and they will tell you immediately where the errors are (alt

hough they may stop reporting after the first few hundred errors...).


Glad to inform the errors from 2o5
to 123
by a merer one by oby one errorremoval  method

Hope this meticuluous try continues
Thanks for
esteemed suggestions
3 years ago

Norm Radder wrote:

unmappable character (0x9D) for encoding windows-1252

Looks like the text of the source is not readable by the javac program because of encoding.  How are you entering the text?  Can you use a different editor with a compatible encoding?

Have you posted the code that is creating the posted error messages?
That part of the error message says the error was on line 500 in the ServerFrame class.  The posted code does not have 500 lines for the ServerFrame class.

The whole lot of code has been sintaxed in java and that class bracketing has
been checked they are also ok
the output sheet of the code says 205 or so.The javac.exe was able to read the codes
and gave  error report. it means only minor type of error perhaps in spelling curlbrace usage etc
I really appreciate Your idea of class by class compilation method is marveloous
though that will in this casel amount to the same type of erros,since already compiled
Different people have different notions
Neverthless  the erro must be made free probably with immennse one by one Thanks
3 years ago

Rob Spoor wrote:The provided code is such a mess that my Eclipse can't even automatically format it. IntelliJ does it a bit better.

Hello the foloowing errors obtained MSDos
mighyt help you to send me the errorfree code Thanks

3 years ago

Hello all

The follwing Jchat software is having too many errors
Can any one makes it free of errors

My text editor informs too many errors.
Can any one fix it

3 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Rafael del Nero helping to answer questions about the new  for the drawing, and should be reserved for .[/b]

This Book seems to be verydignified  way testing a persons knowledge in javano matter he has Chalenges to compete with author

In the sports front we have Tie result  but here it is going tobe strange yet certifying to the bestway

A glorious typ4e under the modern era.With bestwishes
3 years ago

Tim Cooke wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Felienne Hermans helping to answer questions about the new book [url=

Simulating brain  is indeed a verr extrardinary
and it is very rare.Though we are advancing in age only but only few excelling Thanks for the new type and Bestwishes
3 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Lucian Maly helping to answer questions about the new

No matter iam good at making a project,The introductory lines  imnduces any one who  has the book
I wish a Thriiling success to all the persons ofJava Ranch making yhem universally elegant for proect work
My sparkling BestWishes

3 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:
This week, we're delighted to have Mohamed Labouardy helping to answer questions about the new book [url=


With a vague memory regarding pipeline code that was used in PicoDraw (jdk1.4),i am able tosubstantaite full support for benefits of using the subject pardigam.AcAccordintgly the  the lnkage of variious files via pipedline is so effortles and easy with no bugs whatsover
Consolidating this I hava no hesitation to say this is for Ranchpersons
My Bestwishes for reducing CComplcations via Pipelines
3 years ago

Tim Cooke wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Yehonathan Sharvit helping to answer questions about the new book

TThe book contains diagrams to articulate the essence of Objectoriented programming
The tendency of Object Oriented Programming towards increased system complexity yet
at the same time taking care of of the three cornerstoes of Java(interfaces,enumeration,Polymorphism,and inherittancesetcnce
requiring more efforts.
Hopefully these efforts will never go waste but to get to the top
May I shower the Book with  Best Wishes

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Billy Yuen, Alexander Matyushentsev, et al helping to answer questions about the new book [/quote

 The author makes use of multipurpose that limelights the significant features .which means many objects are fullfilled.

Indeed this is like doing the BigBooss work yet at the same time taking the credits by BigBoss himeslf-a very niceformations
My Bestwishes for this Book

3 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Daniel Zingaro helping to answer questions about the new book

The contents of the book itself is overwhelming and make eever Forum member to view with eagerners to know all

and if so why not have a nicetime for the seesion as I also wish Best wishes

4 years ago