Shannon Graham wrote:Quite helpful, thank you sir!
Bear Bibeault wrote:
What more did you expect, Pat?
What's your wish list?
Ryan McGuire wrote:
Can anyone identify the stripe colors on the resistors?
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Saw this - very cool. (It kind of goes with a blog post, but I'm just sharing the yummy electronic circuit because I think it is really cool. And accurate.)
Darryl Burke wrote:
Pushkar Choudhary wrote:Bombay is a name given by the British. The city was known by different variations of Mumbai prior to the arrival of the Portuguese and the British.
Um, the city didn't exist prior to the arrival of the British. The Portuguese called the place "bom bahia" meaning "good bay" and the British anglicized this to "Bombay."
The city of Bombay originally consisted of seven islands, namely Colaba, Mazagaon, Old Woman's Island, Wadala, Mahim, Parel, and Matunga-Sion. This group of islands, which have since been joined together by a series of reclamations, formed part of the kingdom of Ashoka, the famous Emperor of India.
After his death, these islands passed into the hands of various Hindu rulers until 1343. In that year, the Mohammedans of Gujerat took possession and the Kings of that province of India ruled for the next two centuries. The only vestige (mark) of their dominion over these islands that remains today is the mosque at Mahim
In 1534 the Portuguese, who already possessed many important trading centers on the western coast, such as Panjim, Daman, and Diu, took Bombay by force of arms from the Mohammedans
Maneesh Godbole wrote:
Sandra Bachan wrote:
Om occurred to me while I was studying for the CISSP exam. One of the domains discuss Acceptance, i.e. acceptance of the inherent risks of an Information System. When I heard Acceptance, I thought of Om. I'm looking at it from a spiritual aspect, i.e. accepting the Universe.
Rambo Prasad wrote:I am 28 years old and I want to increase my height by 3-4 mm in another 3 months.Is there any techniques to increase the height..?
Abimaran Kugathasan wrote:
Ulf Dittmer wrote:I must say I don't really like any of the definitions Google comes up with. The closest to a one-line definition I can think up is: A language that is not compiled, or where the result of the compilation is not kept long term.
Could you please give an example for where the result of the compilation is not kept long term? Which language?
Vishal Hegde wrote:Its so rude and de motivating that HR dont prefer freshers in s/w programming.
Why are they so rude... why cant they just give us a chance,train us
Just because of this most of people wind up changing their Jobs
anarkali perera wrote:what is next
Paul Clapham wrote:
VineetK Singh wrote:I am still trying to figure out if this thread is 'meaningless' or a drivel'.
You are welcome to try to move the thread in that direction if you like.
Currently more than 1 billion adults are overweight