William P O'Sullivan

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since Mar 28, 2012
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Recent posts by William P O'Sullivan

Why don't you give us your initial thoughts and ideas?

Then maybe we can assist you.

Have you done a google search at all? e.g: java +"box-plot" source

11 years ago
True to a certain degree, JavaScript *can* be used to rewrite the HTML contents (the DOM) in the browser.

Now how would you say access a back-end business process, update a monthly sales figure without an AJAX
call back to the application server, return the data and rewrite it using Ajax.

They work together.

Without importing them, you could use Class.forName(String className) to create an instance of the Class
and do your reflection for there.

The .classes will still have to be on the CLASSPATH, but this approach offers a lot of flexibility.

12 years ago
Your statement has no schema prefix so it is defaulting to "dbo" for some reason.

If you know exactly what schema the table is under then add "schemaname." in front of departmentmaster.

You will have to interact with the underlying Operating System at some point.

Using Quartz or Spring Batch, if unix call the "lp " command, for Windowz I'm not so sure.

12 years ago
I studied statistics as a second major, and the "bank teller" problem is classic (Wrote solution in SPSS! lol)

If you feel that you are always in the slowest line, then check what's in their carts.
Is there a bagger, or does the teller have to stop ringing/scanning and do the bagging also?
Do people have their wallets ready, credit/debit card, or a ton of coupons and bags of change? ;)

There are a lot of factors and always the outcome for efficiency should be 1 line, n tellers, not n lines, n tellers.

12 years ago