Bear Bibeault wrote:getParameterValues() returns a string array. If that's not what you want, why are you calling it?
Bear Bibeault wrote:You must use the name, not the value of the radio button.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:
It could be that all you need to do is to switch lines 7 and 8, lines 12 and 13, and lines 17 and 18.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:You can only have a single open ResultSet per Statement at any given time. Obtaining another ResultSet will lead to the previously obtained ResultSet being closed. So this code has problems in lines 8, 13 and 18.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:
What does it mean to "insert data into Notepad"? Do you want to create a text file that can be edited in Notepad? While there are ways to use JDBC to insert data into an Excel file, AFAIK, the same isn't true for text files. But you can use the classes in the package to create and write to text files.