suhaib mustafa

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since Apr 01, 2012
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Recent posts by suhaib mustafa

Hi, I am really interested in learning Hadoop and Mapreduce. I know Java pretty well. what more do i need to know well before i can start on Hadoop? Also can you please direct me to genuine online resources where i can learn this?
10 years ago
I meant real world examples.
Thanks Javier Fernandez Gonzalez. Guess This is what I was looking for. Just one more thing, does it include some real time examples to explain the concepts?

I am new to concurrency programming (not worked on java 6 threads either, but I am good in Java). Does this book teach me from basics on how to program using concurrency?
How different is Restlet from the Webservice provided by the Spring? Is there any topic dedicated to integrating Restlet with spring as now Spring has become a defacto standard!!.
11 years ago

Can you please explain what is Spring Integration and what kind of topics are covered in this book?
11 years ago
Whats is different in using jQuery in our applications and creating plugin/addons using same? can a plugin itself be extendable? i.e; one more plugin can be created by extending this plugin-if at all it is possible . Can you brief me on what topics are covered in the book?
What does extending jQuery mean?? I have used jQuery(even jQuery plugins) but never thought in this front. Can anyone please explain what extending jQuery is and what are its advantages?

What is covered in Extending Enterprise Applications? Does this book talk about extending applications onto mobile applications or about extending applications to work with other languages like Jython etc.?
I will try to answer this question in simple terms.

As you know default is for package level access and protected is for package level plus non-package classes but which extends this class(Point to be noted here is you can extend the class only if it is visible!).
lets put it in this way:

- protected top-level class would be visible to classes in its package.
- now making it visible outside the package (subclasses ) is bit confusing and tricky. Which classes should be allowed to inherit our protected class?
- If all the classes are allowed to subclass then it will be similar to public access specifier.
- If none then it is similar to Default.

Since there is no way to restrict this class being subclassed by only few classes ( we cannot restrict class being inherited by only few classes out of all the available classes in a package/outsite of a package or do we??!!), there is no use of protected access specifiers for top level classes. Hence it is not allowed.