Patrick Martin

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since Apr 01, 2012
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Recent posts by Patrick Martin

John Damien Smith wrote:You could use the JGraph JavaScript library in a WebView.
Loads up a bit slow, but is usable after that.
I am not aware of a native JavaFX implementation of a similar framework.

That's a great idea. Thanks John!

- Pat
12 years ago

Mohamed Sanaulla wrote:

Jimmy kalra wrote:javafx is act like flex with java?

Yes to some extent. But Flex doesn't provide for building standalone desktop applications. For Desktop they have Adobe AIR. But as far as I am aware, JavaFX should run in a browser or as a standalone on desktop.
I dont know how much JavaFX is different from Adobe technologies behind the scenes.

Personally, I don't why this is different than JavaFX's dependency on Java and it's associated runtimes. It's all bootstrapping and what matters to me is how transparent the desktop can make this appear. If I can click on an icon, the app comes up and is robust, lively and does what I want, I don't care what's under the hood as a user.

- Pat
12 years ago

Tim Moores wrote:None of whatever JavaFX 2 (or subsequent versions in the foreseeable future) adds will be able to change the fact that Java on the client (whether as standalone apps, JNLP or applets) is dead. Frankly, I don't get why the resources being used for JavaFX are not applied to improving Swing. Making client-side developers go through a transition doesn't help, either, IMO.

I don't think Oracle would agree with you. I think that they have floundered here for many years, but I don't think that it is too late to reclaim this space. This is all opinion and speculation on my part, but I feel like Flex is dying. I believe that this adds incremental opportunity to viable players in this space, and I believe that Oracle is committed to making JavaFX viable. This means being a player on the desktop, browser and mobile spaces all in one platform. That's huge.

I think that the reason for JavaFX relates to the complexity and heaviness of Swing. I don't think Swing can play effectively in all these spaces and that Oracle is playing the long game here.

Time will tell.

- Pat
12 years ago

Jay Orsaw wrote:It seems wherever I read about it it talks about RIA(Rich Internet Applications) so is this all it does? I was reading on here it's going to replace swing? Does that mean it's a better gui builder than swing? Is the code java code, or is it different? I know there was JFX Script which was 1.0 I believe, and now 2.0 is in the API, so I would assume it's just normal Java code?

JavaFX uses a theater based on Stages and Scenes where the Stage abstracts away the differences in where the application is deployed.

So, in theory, the same application can run equally well within a browser or on the desktop as a result of this Stage metaphor/abstraction. The applet would, I guess, be the Stage for an internet application.

Having said that, I've only used JavaFX to run applications locally on the desktop and I have been quite happy with performance. Components such as file-choosers which were a bit sluggish in Swing run much faster within JavaFX from my experience.

I think that Swing and JavaFX will coincide for the foreseeable future. I predict that the cloudy future of Swing will drive more folks to JavaFX or away from the uncertainty of the Java GUI platform altogether. At some point, I would suspect that Oracle would stop investing in evolving Swing and simply port it from release to release.

Having said that, I think that finally after many years, JavaFX is on the right track with the 2.x roadmap. The winding path that it took to get here has lost it some credibility. However, Oracle seems to have finally decided a direction for the platform and seems to be fully committed to it's success. I was never a fan of learning JavaFX Script. I want to stay in Java, not spend time learning tiny domain specific languages.

- Pat
12 years ago

Cole Terry wrote:Hello guys,

I am currently interested in JavaFX 2.0, as I intend to upgrade a Swing app to JavaFX. Is it easier to replace Swing's buttons, text fields, labels on a JPanel by JavaFX equivalent components?
I have read an article on how to add JavaFX UI to Swing app, but look like it requires adding a completely new JFXPanel kind of thing into a JFrame, that would mean I may have to rewrite the GUI completely (

What do you think guys?

It depends on what you are looking to do. If your intent is to test the waters with JavaFX 2.x, I would recommend downloading the 2.1 developer release and rewriting the application entirely in the latest incarnation of JavaFX. This will allow you to fully appreciate where this space is moving towards.

I think that you will find that you can achieve more with less code. I think the components appear much more polished in JavaFX as well. However, there are some rough edges currently, but I have been amazed at how usable JavaFX 2.0/2.1 are. The main thing I find to be missing is the wealth of existing component libraries and GUI builders like you would find in the Swing environment, but that's to be expected in a new platform.

Good luck!

- Pat
12 years ago
After years of lurking, this is my first post so go easy on me :-)

Does anyone know of any JavaFX 2.1 compatible framework that I can use to create a workflow type engine with? I am looking for something to do the heavy lifting for me with respect to dragging, dropping and connecting nodes on a pallette.

Something like JGraph would have been nice, however, that is based on Swing. JavaFX 1.x had the ability to add Swing components to a Scene (not what I needed). JavaFX 2.x seems to have removed even that Swing interoperability.


- Pat
12 years ago