sasikanth ravipudi

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since Apr 04, 2012
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Recent posts by sasikanth ravipudi

Hi,i completed jforum integration to my project ,i had created a forum and i enable email interaction and given pop settings,how can i find the mail that interacted to the forum..

what is the use of fetch my project its not responding..reply me
12 years ago
Hi,I had integrated JForum to my Project ,and FetchMail in AdminControl is not responding,i dont know the purpose of this fetch mail also,can any body clarify me ,the purpose ,and its not working in my project also..
12 years ago
Thanks for replying Ernest Friedman-Hill ,i had already cleared it,and thats working in 2.2.1 version also which iam using..any way thanks alot for your support
12 years ago
Thanks for Quick replying Ernest Friedman-Hill ,
Can i know how to rebuild the search index please..
12 years ago
I had Integrated JForum in my application,and i just installed once and coping the jforum-custom.conf file ,if i want to deploy war another time so that ,i dont need to install again.that works well for that i had modified some java code.

the main problem is,search of jforum doesnt considering topics that are created in the last(that is in old war) ,and if i create fresh topics now it just considering,how can i resolve it....

i think admin control panel if we clear cache i doesnt show topics under that forum,is there any inter connection between these to resolve it ,help me
12 years ago
Actually to get into forums/ i changed source code ,next i totally removed the project and aging installed jforum,then that is showing this error message,with previous and deleted database user names in the page..iam using JForum 2.2.1 .
please reply me.
12 years ago
Iam getting this message in home page

An error has occurred.

For detailed error information, please see the HTML source code, and contact the forum Administrator.

Expression us.username is undefined on line 135, column 149 in default/forum_list.htm.

please reply me..
12 years ago
Hi Jeanne,
Actually thats not created in my project ,because i tried to get forums/ instead of installl.jsp ,some modification i have done in source code,because of not having install action that (jform-custom.conf) is not created.
I manually copied that file from another jforum project and...thats worked ,but the problem is if i copied that file into project(that is in eclipse) and build war file of my project,thats not working,when i manually copied only its working..

thanks Jeanne
12 years ago
Iam getting SQL String cannot be NULL while registering new user,i just customized some java source code to directly getting list page insted of install page....any one please reply me..
12 years ago
Thanks for replying Jeanne,its redirecting me to the install.jsp page
12 years ago
I had installed JForum successfully,my requirement is ,when ever i deploy war file of JForum into the is asking install page (for every time war is deployed in server)..if we go for install database is recreated and all the data is getting lose..

How to skip this install.jsp
reply me please
12 years ago
How to integrate JForum with Our project? if both are different web applications?
12 years ago
when you are downloading jforum src code and extract it..
in the eclipse you import the extracted project and build it....its simple
12 years ago