raj chopra

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Recent posts by raj chopra


Thanks for the advice. This was a practise implementation in java only as of now. The objective was to determine if they are any handy implementations in java that could reduce the encrypted data and so forth working on similar techniques in other technology.
9 years ago

Thanks for reply,
It was quite informative.

I am encoding the encrypted field and then storing in database, just to provide one more level of encryption while saving in it to database. I will remove the encoding base64 before saving it and will see how much i can lower the odds.

Just to provide more info :
Actually the encryption in java are similar to a encryption in cloud based platform called APEX used in SalesForce. I am encrypting by using the standard class provided in salesforce. These classes and packages used are similar to java encryption packages but with minor changes .

So i am in path of understanding the encryption AES256 in java and the similar implementation in SalesForce too.
9 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I have seen some sample implementation with AES256 and base64 encoding together while searching in web.
Please let me know if there are any other encoding/encryption techniques which could store the data in limited size .
9 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to encrypting data using the AES256 algorithm, and the saving encrypted data with base64 encoding format in the database.

However post the encryption and encoding to base64, the length of the data field is increased .

I am wondering is there any way to restrict the encoding format before actually saving it into the database? or is there any other mechanism in AES256 algorithm in reducing the actual data size and then encrypt. such that the output of the encrypted data will be less in size .

Any light or any workaround would be great help to me.
9 years ago
Hi Abhay ,

Thanks for your reply.

That's the interesting part here, the class path of the java is set to java 7 bin foler where the wsimport resides.

However the wsimport command fails if i am pointing the cmd curzor location to a different folder or directory

10 years ago
Hi All,

I am learning web services, when i am trying to use a web service wsdl from geoipservices.
The wsdl url is" http://www.webservicex.net/geoipservice.asmx?WSDL "
I am getting the system cannot find the path specified error while i am using the "wsimport http://www.webservicex.net/geoipservice.asmx?WSDL " in cmd prompt.

adding more

when i am trying to execute the wsimport in cmd prompt from any random location like c:\user\raj .. wsimport is not executed ,says wsimport cmd is not recognised etc. however the same command works when i change the directory to jdk folder of java 7. i also have checked the path which is pointing to jdk 7 bin folder only. which makes me wonder as wsimport should be available regardless of the path i mentioned.

Anylight shed on this will be greatly helpful for me to move head.

Thanks in advance.

10 years ago
Hi All,

I am working with JSF project migration from 1.2 to 2.0 and along with icefaces migration from 1.8 to 3.0.

As of now, i added all the updated jars required , deleted the old jars, added the required changes suggested in this link below

Now the issue we are facing is that we do not have developer guide for jsf 2 or indepth related infomartion for migration we are performing.
some of the classes are now deprecated and need to be replaced . I am searching a lot from couple of days yet no luck with that.

could any one provide good docuementation for jsf 2 or the migration process ?? so that i can get info on the deprecated classes and proceeding further ahead.

10 years ago
Hi All,

I am newbiee to JSF and it's related components.

Currently i work with a project dealing with jsf,icefaces,jms,Webservices and few other good technologies in it.I am looking for good docuementation/tutorials/videos/pdf on jsf and icefaces as well as JMS,Webservices .please let me know if there is any good website to learn all these technologies or any downloadable pdf available.

And my second question is that how can i get the version of the jsf and iceface used in current projects?? it would be helpful if i find the right version and then proceed with same docuementaiton of technlogy. please guide me how to proceed.!!

Thanks in advance
11 years ago
Hi ulf dittmer,

Thanks for reply,

The page i want to convert to pdf contains barcharts,line charts, and some csv data ( which is viewed as table in front end) . To be more specific this is kind of report generated page which displays pictorial data in web browser.The purpose is that the charts displayed need to be saved as pdf some what similar like jasper soft. This is a typical web application.

I think saving entire web page as pdf would be very useful and server we use are windows, server side or client side both are welcomed .

Also i need to use only freeware please let me know how can i proceed.

Hi Tsang,

Thanks for reply, for more clarity, the page to be converted into pdf is in jsp, i am going through few of the sample codes in itex, my query is that is it possible for the itex to render graphs or charts from a jsp page rather than normal java code?

as the pdf is only useful when the graphs are rendered using jquery .
Hi All,

I have used jquery -jqplot to plot few line chats as per requirments, now these plots are to be saved in form of pdf which would be viewed as report.
The problem is that jqplot has only the feature to save the charts/plots as image which is not useful at this point.

Through search i found bullzip,pdf4ml,itext ,yahpconverter,icpdf are some of freewares used for html to pdf converstion. however i am not sure which is freeware and which api would be helpful for this kind of problem as here i need to save the entire web page.

could some one please guide me to the right path for implementing the nire web page to be saved as pdf docuement...?

Hi All,

I am trying to use an normal loading.gif in one of my jsp page when the page is submitted for a request.
Functionally here in my project,when the page is submitted it connects to an analytical tool called "R tool" performs the analycis and data is set in mysql. once the data is saved i am retriving and presenting in another jsp page.

In between this process of jsp from java on form submission to call "R tool" ,Inserting the data in mysql, i am working on using the loading image while the connection and insertion is done in behin process from couple of days. however when i inserted the loading.gif the loading is not working properly , infact the image is not rotating at all.it is showing as static image and the rotations are not done.

I found out that only when the loop/control is within the same jsp/java or request from one jsp page to another jsp the loading image is working ..

please let me know how can i acheive this loading.gif to work when we connect to different tools etc.

All suggestion are welcomed and appreciated.
Hi All,

I work with a web application using jsp,struts,mqsql,jqplots.

In the process of business logic i need to save the sessionid in database and the same will be used for presentaion layer.

The question is that how can i retreive or save the session using struts? through servlets i had seen session id implementation.. so can the same be implmented using stuts?

kindly let me what could be done incase of alternatives.
11 years ago
Hi All,

i developed a small web application using only jsp and servlets.Also adding to that i used jqplot charts into the jsp.

Now the situation i am facing is that i need to pass the values from database(mysql) to jqplot bar charts with out using beans concept.

i had done this plotting earlier, using values using form beans in my previous project.i fetched data using a query using hibernate connections and by getters()/setters () i passed them into jqplot function in jsp.

I should i proceed ahead? please help on this.
Thanks for your valuable answers.
11 years ago