Winston Gutkowski wrote:
Nikhil Sagar wrote:Ah, means JIT comes into play if and only if method returns somthing .
am i correct Sherrif ??
Given that you've revived a 10-year-old thread, maybe the more relevant question is: Why do you want to know this?
Campbell Ritchie wrote:In which case it would not inline anything.
Peter Johnson wrote:Reinstalling the O.S. seems a little extreme to me. The "missing" class should be in the lib/server-api.jar file in Tomcat. You might have been able to solve this by re-installing Tomcat or re-installing Eclipse.
ankita modi. wrote:I am posting contents of these properties files.
region: global
language: English
language: Simplified Chinese
region: China
region: Hong Kong
region: Taiwan
language: Traditional Chinese
So file name shows that it contents language code and region code.
RBControl=basename, language code=zh, region code=TW
Now when you see and files, there is no language code property.There is only region code.These could be correct for file named with RBControl_HK and RBControl_CN.Correct me if i am wrong.
Tina Raja wrote:I am quite new at JAVA however, I tried what you posted and it works for me - trying using this code
class Example{
public static void main(String [] args){
double gallons;
double liters;
int counter;
counter = 0;
for (gallons = 1; gallons <=20; gallons++){
liters = gallons * 3.75;
System.out.println("We have " + liters + " liters");
if (counter == 5){
counter = 0;
Winston Gutkowski wrote:
Nikhil Sagar wrote:Thanks a ton jeff.
And I love you....
Steady on. You don't even know if he snores.
However, hearty congratulations. Just remember: the first 10 years are the toughest.
Just remember: the first 10 years are the toughest