tanuj khare

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since May 02, 2012
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Recent posts by tanuj khare

Are you using any proxy server ?
12 years ago
Congratulation to the winner’s!!!
12 years ago
404 means page not found, try to clear the tomcat cache and restart the services
12 years ago
jar -xf abc.WAR


unzip abc.WAR

Tanuj Khare
12 years ago
Hi Steve

Yes, there is one complete chapter dedicated on troubleshooting of tomcat issues; this problem is also covered in it
12 years ago
Hi Varun,
Thanks for the wishes, yes all the three mentioned below points are covered in my book

a) Best practices for configuring server
b) Best practices for security
c) Best practices for Performance - When to cluster and how and clustering versus load balancing
12 years ago
Troubleshooting tips, real time examples, best practice used in enterprise middle ware, new tools used for performance tuning etc.
12 years ago
In the connector section, open the server.xml and search for connector port
12 years ago

Yes the documentation is improved a lot; I have seen this problem with lot many persons, In apache tomcat 7 essential, I have discussed how to setup apache –tomcat integration using mod_jk and mod_proxy step by step with each screen shot, try the steps, your problem will get resolved
12 years ago
which class you are using ?
12 years ago
Correct options is

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m –Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
If you set both -Xms and -Xmx equal then, Application performance will increase, why you want use perm gen as 1024, my suggestion 256 is sufficient
12 years ago
Slowness is a common issues which comes while migration, if the application/OS/Web container are not tuned properly
Every application has its own memory requirement and it requires different JVM tuning. If your application is running slow, might be chance the JVM parameters are not tuned properly, like (max-min memory, garbage collection.
12 years ago
Is Tomcat 7 compatible with the current version of mod_proxy_ajp?

12 years ago