Raj Java Raj

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since May 14, 2012
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Hi, Tomek Kaczanowski

Does TestNG provide memory related bugs while testing using TestNG?
12 years ago
I agree with Palak!!

Deepanshu is getting error with database url , i think code base given by me may help him to sort out issue.


Hi , Neelima ,
Why dont you use MVC for such critical operation that is dealing with Database?

You can write simple Servlet and Java class that will handle your request.

your data base activity should follow below steps , and if your code is in MVC it will better to track where is actual error is coming and
above to maintain your code will be so easy.

check this simple steps:
Hi , Deepanshu

Follow below Simple Step for database connectivity.

1.Load Driver
2.Establishing Connection
3.Executing Statements
4.Getting Results
5.Closing Database Connection

Hey Swastik Dey !
Great !! It working after removing Read Only DSN !!