sneha ulhe

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since May 15, 2012
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Recent posts by sneha ulhe

Just server get started nothing happen after that.
I am using java-7-openjdki386 with Ubuntu.I choose ecllipse Helios IDE.My server(tomcat 6) getting started but browser is not displayed.
Solved..Actually it was retaining values from bean.Thanks.....
10 years ago
Actually I am displaying the values on JSP page.But if I refresh the page the values get displayed again and again.
10 years ago
If I am refreshing JSP page the old data is remaining as it is with new data.what can be done to remove previous data from that JSP?
10 years ago
What we can do to clear the previous data on jsp that after refresh it should not appear.
10 years ago
Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE , what could cause this ?
10 years ago
can you please suggest me a good book for Android as I don't know anything about Android...
11 years ago
yeah Sir,but I want to know that is it necessary to have complete knowledge about Java language or only core Java is sufficient?
11 years ago
What are the pre-requisites for learning Android ?
11 years ago
but in web.xml he has passed URL pattern /login.
11 years ago
Can we create RMI servlet to store data in databasde table?
11 years ago
try simply /login as action.
11 years ago
What is Introspection in Java Bean?