Joe Man

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since Feb 17, 2002
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Recent posts by Joe Man

Does that mean the REAL SCJD 1.4 project and exam will not be able until the Beta completed first? Which means another month and half or longer?
Also, can you you guys discuss the difference between the SCJD 1.2 and SCJD 1.4 beta? I meant not word for word. Just some idea like what kind of technologies are required(e.g RMI, Swing)? That way we can start studying some new materials if needed.
This is really sad. The SUNW stock is $3.96 per share. I have a feeling it needs to be merg with another company soon. Oh well...

The book is pretty good. It covers alot important components needed for SCJD. Especially the Threads component, it cover more then what is needed. However, two things i'm not 100% satisfy.
The sample project source code is not ready yet. So you can't download it. At least not right now.
The sample code in the book is not 100% clear after reading it. Especially the variables being declared and used. I kind of get confused after reading the souce code and try to understand what the author is trying to focus on.
However, the text itself is very good. After reading few chapters, you will know what you need to accomplish and prepare for the real thing. I just hope the new SCJD 1.4 project(coming soon) will allow you to use all those things mentioned in the book. I just hope...

Where can i download the "EJB's 2nd Edition by O'Reilly"?
if you took ALL of the JWebPlus mock exams and score 70% or above, you can hack the real exam. If you only took one of the mock exam, you are not ready.
SCWCD is alot easier then SCJD. Beside, SCWCD might be more useful for your job.

About the sample project comes with the book, how close does it related to the real project? Does it shares some similarities with the real project?
Congratulations! Welcome to the SCWCD club.
22 years ago
I ordered your book from Amazon yesterday. How come it still said "Not yet published". It is August 6th already.
Thanks Val..
This is very useful information. I guess i'll wait for a month before signing up.
Is your book "The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4" out yet? Is there sample chapter that we can look at before buying?

Thanks Valentin!
These two links are very helpful.
Thanks Ian.. thats what happened when you worked too hard and try to do everything at once.
Is there a SCJD Links Page like other certification page have?
SCEA Links:
SCWCD Links:

SCJD Links: ??
I'm having trouble accessing Is this site up anymore? If not, where can i get the materials i need?
Thanks so much.