Originally posted by William Brogden:
What you are describing is processing with the DOM - Document Object Model (tree) in which the entire XML document resides in memory and can be directly manipulated. The programming style is completely different from SAX but can be done with the same Xerces library or the classes built into Java 1.4.
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
You need to store the attributes somewhere when they are given with startElement(...) in order to access them later in the endElement() method.
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
XSL can only be applied to well-formed XML documents. If you've got a mix of HTML and XML that is not well-formed, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do but fix it somehow before proceeding with the XSL transformation. If the HTML stuff is well-formed, there is no problem -- the parser considers it as XML just like the standard XHTML tags, right? Or did I miss something?
Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
If you're running some sort of Java program on the same system as the file (i.e. some sort of server program - JSP/servlet/whatever) then File.lastModified() is probably what you want. If you're talking about trying to learn about this "remote file" from another computer, where you don't have any control over the server's codebase, well, you need to konw what sort of server they're running. Does it accept HTTP requests? FTP? Some custom protocol using sockets? We need more details. (Unless lastModified() was already an adequate answer.)