soujanya Bugatha

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since May 29, 2012
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Recent posts by soujanya Bugatha

Congrats... Nikita Malik

Please share your experience with us..How many marks you use to get in mock exams? can you tell me..
11 years ago
Adriano Ribeiro
when i tried to download that exam it is showing an error message..
Is it possible to define a class inside an interface ? I read that we can declare public abstract methods and final variables inside an interface but i never came across any code which defines a class inside an interface. please explain me.
Iam planning to take Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam(IZ0-851). while taking the mock exams i find many questions on borderlayout topic. I don't find these topics in kathy sieera book and also they are not present in the exam topic . My question is should i expect these topics on real exam? How much score do i need to get in mock exams in order to pass my exam? please tell me
Thank you ujjawal
if("String".replace('g','G') == "String".replace('g','G'))
System.out.println("Not Equal");

can anyone explain me this code?
what is the output of this program?
import java.util.*;

class Empty {

class Extended extends Empty {

public class TryMe {
public static void doStuff1(List<Empty> list) {
// some code
public static void doStuff2(List list) {
// some code
public static void doStuff3(List<? extends Empty> list) {
// some code

public static void main(String args[]) {
List<Empty> list1 = new LinkedList<Empty>();
List<Extended> list2 = new LinkedList<Extended>();

// more code here

output is

A) doStuff1(list1);
B) doStuff2(list2);
C) doStuff2(list1);
D) doStuff3(list1);
E) doStuff3(list2);
The output of this program is "BeginRunEnd" can anyone explain this to me?

public class Cruiser implements Runnable {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Thread a = new Thread(new Cruiser());


public void run() {