Wayne Wong Qi Yuan

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since May 30, 2012
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my issues is
i got a datatable pagination which have 10 page
when i select page 5 and i select the data that i want to select... then i wan go back to the datatable to select another data
when i go back the datatable, it will go back page 1...

how can i remain the page index at 5 if i go back the datatable...
same question, how can i fix it at the page that i selected...

this purpose is more convenience for user

kindly share sample code or any tips or some reference.... appreciate for help
12 years ago
thank to Second Post...
is help a lot....
i can get the node that i want in xml
using xpath can get any node from different lvl of root....

share what i done

i been research quite a long time...
i cant figure out how to show this part that i want

please kindly help