Ren Li

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since Feb 20, 2002
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Recent posts by Ren Li

Hi Rajeshwari Kannan,

How is this Labs different from other available?


Is there SCJA requirement difference when Sun has new version release? From 1.2 to 1.5 for instance.
18 years ago

Is there SCJA requirement difference when Sun has new version release? From 1.2 to 1.5 for instance.
18 years ago

Do general search is much more efficient than Do search on a company site.

You are absolutely right. 'man top solaris' works well in google, but not in We have a lot of similar cases in other search too. So instead of having a large pdf (may not exist) or searching from Sun for command manual, 'google it' might be the solution.
18 years ago
Thanks Tim.

I thought about that, but it seems difficult to find something quick, e.g., I tried to do 'man top' for cpu and ram status, when I went to the page, I could not get the result easily by filling 'top' in 'Search for' field.
18 years ago

Because of company's security setting, I could not access man command in Solaris box. Is there anywhere Solaris man pages can be downloaded as pdf file?

18 years ago
Hi Bill,

Could you please give more detail about this book?

I found that Eclipse 2.1 behaves differently, for instance, when I tried to import file from folder, Eclipse in Linux does not refresh the selected folder; but Eclipse in Windows does it. Could anybody tell what you are using as Java IDE in Linux, Eclipse, Emacs or something else, thanks,
Ren Li
Hi there,
If you have a .emacs file with mmm-mode, could you share that section here. Thanks.
21 years ago
Could any Linux expert tell detail about how to transfer files to other PC running on Windows 2000?
21 years ago
Thanks, Tim. Is there an option to sort by "modified date" in
22 years ago
I am looking for a solution similar to Winzip, view structure of a large zip file without unzip it. Is it possible?
22 years ago
Welome Prasad,
I used SSL and Web Services in a prototype. The reason that my boss did not like the combination was the drop in performance. Does your book recommend tool selection for optimized performance in Secured Web Services using mostly J2EE?
22 years ago
I am currently using Web Development Kit in Documentum, in which Servlet is built-in and a lot of JSPs. Is that possible to add struts in such a structure?
22 years ago
I am a sr. Java developer, but I am new in Linux. Where to start?
Thanks in advance for your help.
22 years ago