Thanks Suman forthe wishes.
Question) When you draw sequence diagrams, did you mention the MVC pattern related classes (servlet, controller, dispatcher etc.) in each sequence diagram? I hope it is not needed. How did you avoid (abstracted) them in your sequence diagrams.
Response) Yeah my sequense diagrams were for web app only and i did showed the components which were present in my component diagram, like controller etc.I dont think there is any hard and fast rule, but the point is UML digarms should be correct and they should fulfill the requirements, may be one can combine all these components as 1 and put some comment out there.
Question)Did you group the classes by name spaces (packages). If so how did you show them on class diagram. I can show that in a package diagram. But thinking of avoiding package diagram.
Response) I did not show the packages.I just followed the BDM and placed them in the way where it doesnt look confusing.
Question)Isn't it enough to show business model in class diagram. Do we need to add all web tier classes as well in the class diagram?
Response) I did not add any technology related classes except some service classes, followed the Cade.
Question) Did you have a different set of sequence diagrams to prove that your design works for thick client as well?
Response)Nope i just have one generic diagram for travel agent application
and just added some comments as the business tier was same in my design for both the web app and thick client.
Question)Did you assume the existance of some SLSB in milage system to show in the class diagram? If no, how did you represent this component in class diagram?
Response)I think that you have to design, since you cannot modify that system as such, so think how you can access that system and then add that class in there.Make some assumptions.