Rick Hightower

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JSF QuickStart Weekend Warriror Edition

AM-204: JSF QUICK START: Getting started with Java Server Faces (JSF)

Weekend Warrior Edition

WorkShop Overview
Produced by Rick Hightower coauthor of Wiley Publishing�s Professional Jakarta Struts, Second Edition under the Wrox imprint. After completing this course you will have the skills to design and build JSF-based web applications.

2 day (Saturday and Sunday)

Course Abstract:
JavaServer Faces (JSF) provides event driven, component �based technology for developing J2EE web applications. This technology greatly simplifies developing web applications. Finally, Java web developers can assemble reusable UI components into rich GUI pages. A standard UI component model will create a rich third party market of reusable GUI components. JSP is to JavaServer Faces as ASP is to ASP.net.

This course is focused around labs. All lessons prepare the students to work on the labs. Our lab books are extensive.

The lesson book and the lab book are in full color. Color syntax highlighting makes code listing easier to read.

This is our highest rated course.

We are offering this course at an introductory cost of $695.00 for Saturday and Sunday class for Early Bird Registration (regular registration $795.00).

(For groups of three or more, we offer onsite training during normal business hours up to 5 days. Customizations available upon request)

Weekend Warrior Schedule
San Diego CA October 9th and 10th, 2004
Santa Clara CA October 16th and 17th, 2004
Los Angeles CA
October 23rd and 24th, 2004
Phoenix AZ November 6th and 7th, 2004 Call 520 290 6855
Houston TX November 13th and 14th, 2004 Call 520 290 6855
Dallas TX November 20th and 21st, 2004 Call 520 290 6855
Boston MA December 4th and 5th, 2004 Call 520 290 6855
Seattle WA December 11th and 12th, 2004 Call 520 290 6855
Las Vegas NV December 18th and 19th, 2004 Call 520 290 6855


Intro to JavaServer Faces
JavaServer Faces Technology Benefits
JSF Architecture Overview
Creating your first JSF application
Configuring JSF
Installing the JSF servlet
Creating a simple application
Creating a backing bean
Configuring page flow navigation
Using JSF custom tags
Setting up a view in JSF
Lab 1: simple application
Understanding JSF lifecycle
Covers major phases of the lifecycle
Developer�s role in each phase
System�s role in each phase
How to handle immediate events
How to stop rendering
How to skip to render response phase
Using UI Components
Understanding component architecture
RenderKit basics
Event Model
User Interface Component Model
Writing event handlers
Three ways to handle an event
Understanding navigation flow and the default event handler
Using JSF Custom Tags
Working with various input tags
Working with panels and tables
Lab 2: CRUD Listing
Lab 3: Continuing the CRUD listing

Understanding MVC
Model Components
View Components
Controller Components
How navigation is controlled by the controller
Lab 4: Creating a shopping cart
JSF Validation and Data Conversion
Using Standard Validation components
Creating Custom Validation components
Using Standard data conversion
Writing custom data conversion
Lifecycle issues, data converters and validators
Regular expression review
Lab 5: Performing data conversion and validation with user registration form
Advanced event handling (immediate) and working with tables
Working with Table models: Editing Tables, Sorting
Lab 8: Improving our CRUD listing
Working with drop down lists
Creating immediate event handling
Using FacesContext.renderResponse
Sorting tables
Working with editable tables.
Lab 6: Adding category, and dynamically displaying subcategory for CD Form
Lab 7: Sorting tables, and creating an editable table
Hardware/Software Requirements

This course is a bring-your-own-laptop. You need a 1GHZ or faster laptop with 500MB of memory with Java Sun SDK 1.4.x already installed. Laptops are available for rent (additional fee).

About ArcMind

ArcMind is a full-service, software development company that can help you succeed on your next project.

ArcMind provides systems integration, consulting and mentoring services serving Global 1000 companies with a primary focus on J2EE, Hibernate, Maven, Spring and JSF (Java Server Faces). Our niche is the application of Agile practices of continuous integration, unit testing and more applied to J2EE development. Our focus on Agile Methods allows our customers to deliver business value to their clients in the shortest time possible while reducing risk.

Unlike other consulting firms our objectives are not for your company to hire more and more consultants. Although we are primarily a consulting firm, our focus is on building your team through mentoring and training. Our experienced consultants mentor your team to have the skills to be successful and make our consultants and services obsolete. This is called mentoring. We can put members on your team "who have been there and done that" with Hibernate, Maven, Spring and JSF (Java Server Faces) Training. Our intention is transitioning full control back to your team at project completion or a notable agreed upon milestone in the project.

Our trainers and mentors are real world developers and mentors who can help you deliver your next project in a timely fashion. Unlike other trainers, our trainers are experienced developers who have worked with the technologies and have real-world experience with the technologies and techniques that they are training. These trainers can later work with your team as a mentors and consultants saving you valuable ramp up time because they have "been there and done that before".
20 years ago
Sure no problem. I really dig JavaRanch.
This week has been hell.
I got up Friday at 5 AM and worked till 8 PM.
The joys of owning your own business. Yikes!
20 years ago
I've been using Spring on my last few projects.
I love it. How many folks are using Spring?
20 years ago
Congratulations! I hope you find the book useful. I use it.
20 years ago
Good job. I've done that many times before. Spending time putting together a question.... some times yields an answer.... at least it always yields a better understanidng of the problem.
20 years ago
No it does not. I have done this before. I found it difficult no matter how well the framework supports it.
20 years ago
I think many books get into the wow factor about the technology, and considering all of its possible applications without covering how to get started.
Most folks new to a technology want a little background and then some instructions to get started, then some more detail.
I try to never neglect the step-by-step getting started with new technologies.
I know what it does... now show me how to do it.
Writing step-by-step instructions is not as fun as pontificating about technology, but it is much more useful for real developers.
20 years ago
Nah.... I think there are probably better designed frameworks, but probably not as widely used and supported.
Struts seems to be fairly flexible and extensible as well.
If I were starting a new project, I would at least consider WebWork2, Spring MVC, and Tapestry.
I currently stick with Struts + Spring (IOC + AOP ++) + Hibernate (OR Mapping).
If you were going to look into one framework this year (besides Struts), and only one. I would tell you to look into Spring.... it is powerful.
I think my next new project will either be Struts + JSF (plus Hibernate and Spring) or Tapestry (plus Hibernate and Spring).

My main focus is Struts, Hibernate and Spring consulting. (This is what folks hire me for....).
20 years ago
Yikes. Did you try Tomcat 4.1?
Also try running this with Resin. I find that Resin gives helpful error messages. I use it for development even when I am deploying to other application servers (especially when things go wrong).
It looks like you have the wrong version of some Jar file. Make sure you are not deploying an older version of j2ee.jar file to Tomcat 5.0. In fact, make sure you are not deploying j2ee.jar to Tomcat at all.
I run Struts with Tomcat 5.0 all the time.
20 years ago
Help me to help you.
Are you getting error messages?
How about showing the action mapping, and the ActionForm code?
20 years ago
By default you have to specify the web resource as the input.
If you want to use forwards for your inputs, you have to setup the controller element as follows:
<controller nocache="true" inputForward="true" maxFileSize="2M" />
(Controller element is after action-mappings element but before the message-resource element).
Basically you have to set the inputForward attribute to true.
If you like this answer, check out the book Professional Struts or Struts Live or my company ArcMind.
20 years ago
It is covered well in the Struts book.... Professional Struts (as well as Struts Live).
20 years ago
Depends how good you are at JavaScript. (I am not the greatest at it, but get by).
You can customize the JavaScript that gets output to the browswer.
Look inside validator-rules.xml file in your WEB-INF directory.
20 years ago
another way.....
Inside of an action do this....

20 years ago
The indexed attribute of html:text is used to render indexed property names. The indexed attribute only works in the context of the logic:iterate tag.
<html:text property="foo" indexed="true" ...
20 years ago