Warayut Saena

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since Jun 19, 2012
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I try to config at Configurations.

Email Address to use as "sender"
SMTP Server
SMTP Server requires authorization?
Requires SSL?
SMTP username ( only if using authorization )
SMTP password ( only if using authorization )

but I have same error.
12 years ago
After I open my forum in first it show error like this every time.

But after I refresh my forum it show normal page and have no error.

And whenI test register my forum, it not send email for activate to my email. So, I go to Configulations page and send my email at Send a test email but it show error like this.

12 years ago
I want to set New messages [ hot ] or Announce for massage in my forum buy I'm not found where can I set New messages [ hot ] or Announce in Admin Admin Control Panel. I try to find in forum and I'm not found it too.
12 years ago
I installed JForum, but in my forum anybody can post new massage without login. I want to config my forum to login only before post any massage in forum. I try to find in Admin Control Panel but I'm not found where I have to config login before post massage. How to config it?
12 years ago