when moving Python files from a "java" package to a "python" one the path is incorrect. The Python file just doesn't get called without launching any error (attached images).
I would like to find a coworker with solid experience in machine learning. The project is about an app dedicated to locate the most promising and sustainable fishing grounds.
It is paid but the coworker should be able to invoice German bills and if it is a freelance then more clients should be in their portfolio.
What happened is that the idea is that all the resources are contained in the .jar in order to ship all together thats why I think that using absolute paths would not be a solution.
I have replaced the slashes to "/" and I have make sure that there are only relative paths...but still I ge the same error it is like at some point the app is searching for the old Linux path.
The server is running and with a client like X2Go the user can connect to the running server, yes when the client close the connection all the software close so the proposed strategy is not feasible.
I would like to deploy a runnable Jar in a server that enables a VirtualCloudBox I would like to have Tomcat running in the server and then have access from the open internet to the app even when the virtual box is closed but the server still continues running.