Angus Ferguson

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since Jun 22, 2012
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Recent posts by Angus Ferguson

This was the one that worked (within the java package). This is the call to Python from Java;

This is within;

It works if the Python file is in the same package that the Java file which is calling it.

I would like to place "" in this package;

And then call it from the Java class located in the java package.

4 years ago
Hi all,

when moving Python files from a "java" package to a "python" one the path is incorrect. The Python file just doesn't get called without launching any error (attached images).

In file DisplayProduct it is this line of code.

The attached images give a more clear idea of it.

4 years ago
Hi all,

I created a project in Eclipse with name digital_marine22 (I pushed it to Github) then I renamed it in local to digitalMarineHS.

Now I would like to rename it also in Github.

I don't find a way to do it. Any tips, please?

Image attached.


Hi all,

I would like to find a coworker with solid experience in machine learning. The project is about an app dedicated to locate the most promising and sustainable fishing grounds.

It is paid but the coworker should be able to invoice German bills and if it is a freelance then more clients should be in their portfolio.

Any interested coworker out there?

5 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to compile a project but I get the next error;


Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) on project service: Fatal error compiling

Any reason exposed, please?

5 years ago
This is error trace like it

The current code it is the one I posted in the previous post the past code was containing a call to that path but not now.
5 years ago

You need to find where in your code that value appears.

Ths thing is that it doesnt appears in the code.
5 years ago

What happened is that the idea is that all the resources are contained in the .jar in order to ship all together thats why I think that using absolute paths would not be a solution.
5 years ago
I have replaced the slashes to "/" and I have make sure that there are only relative paths...but still I ge the same error it is like at some point the app is searching for the old Linux path.

5 years ago
The app is able to send an email, it works correctly when the .Jar is run in Linux but then when it gets run in Windows I get the error;

The path in the error has been updated by this one before package the .jar in Eclipse (Linux CEntos) and then run it in Windows. It looks like this;

How is possible that it takes the old path?
5 years ago
The server is running and with a client like X2Go the user can connect to the running server, yes when the client close the connection all the software close so the proposed strategy is not feasible.
5 years ago
Hi all,

I would like to deploy a runnable Jar in a server that enables a VirtualCloudBox I would like to have Tomcat running in the server and then have access from the open internet to the app even when the virtual box is closed but the server still continues running.

I mean to use it as a hosting service.

Do you think it is a viable option?

5 years ago
Hi all,

I have generated a runnable .jar with Eclipse I am able to execute it from the Linux command line correctly.

When I click twice over it just open but it doesn't run. I am using a 64b system.

Is there a possibility of making it run with just double click in both Windows and Linux?

5 years ago
It gets attached but no inserted with the text in the content of the email so to visualize it the user should open it.

The code with the path to the image is this one;

5 years ago
5 years ago