sher azam

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This technical tip shows how to manage attachments in email message. There can be certain circumstances when the developers want to access and manipulate the Attachments of an Email Message. Aspose.Email Java API provides the handful of collections and methods to perform a task like Extraction of Attachments. Furthermore, using this API one can Add or Remove Attachments at run time. To demonstrate these features, we will load existing Email Messages from disk and access their Attachment Collection.

Steps to Extract Attachments from an existing Email Message

Please perform the following sequence of steps to save the Attachments from existing Messages:* Create an instance of MailMessage class.* Load the existing Email Message using the load() method exposed by MailMessage class and by specifying the correct MessageFormat.* Create an instance of AttachmentCollection class and fill it with Attachments from the instance of MailMessage using getAttachments() method.* Iterate over the AttachmentCollection.# Create an instance of Attachment class and fill it with indexed value from AttachmentCollection using get() method.# Save the attachment to disk using the save() method exposed by Attachment class.

Adding Attachments to a New Email Message using Aspose.Email for Java 

//Create an instance of MailMessage class

MailMessage message = new MailMessage();


message.setFrom(new MailAddress("[email protected]"));

//to whom

message.getTo().add(new MailAddress("[email protected]"));

//Adding 1st attachment

//Create an instance of Attachment class

Attachment attachment;

//Load an attachment

attachment = new Attachment("1.txt");

//Add attachment in instance of MailMessage class


//Add 2nd Attachment

message.getAttachments().add(new Attachment("1.jpg"));

//Add 3rd Attachment

message.getAttachments().add(new Attachment("1.doc"));

//Add 4th Attachment

message.getAttachments().add(new Attachment("1.rar"));

//Add 5th Attachment

message.getAttachments().add(new Attachment("1.pdf"));

//Save message to disc"output.msg",MessageFormat.getMsg());

Extract Attachments from an existing Email Message

public static void main(String[] args)


    // Base folder for reading and writing files

    String strBaseFolder = "D:\\Data\\Aspose\\resources\\";

    //Initialize and Load an existing EML file by specifying the MessageFormat

    MailMessage msg = MailMessage.load(strBaseFolder + "AnEmail.eml", MessageFormat.getEml());

    //Initialize AttachmentCollection object with MailMessage Attachments

    AttachmentCollection attachments =  msg.getAttachments();

    //Iterate over the AttachmentCollection

    for(int index = 0; index < attachments.size(); index++)


        //Initialize Attachment object and Get the indexed Attachment reference

        Attachment attachment = (Attachment) attachments.get(index);

        //Display Attachment Name


        //Save Attachment to disk + "attachment_"+ attachment.getName());



Add or Remove Attachments from an existing Email Message

public static void main(String[] args)


    // Base folder for reading and writing files

    String strBaseFolder = "D:\\Data\\Aspose\\resources\\";

    //Initialize and Load an existing EML file by specifying the MessageFormat

    MailMessage message = MailMessage.load(strBaseFolder + "AnEmail.eml", MessageFormat.getEml());

    //Initialize AttachmentCollection object with MailMessage Attachments

    AttachmentCollection attachments =  message.getAttachments();

    System.out.println("Attachment Count: " + attachments.size());

    //Check if AttachmentCollection size is greater than 0

    if(attachments.size() > 0)


        //Remove Attachment from index location 0


        System.out.println("Attachment Count: " + attachments.size());


    //Add a PDF file as Attachment to the message

    message.addAttachment(new Attachment(strBaseFolder + "Blank.PDF"));

    System.out.println("Attachment Count: " + attachments.size());

    //Save the Email message to disk by specifying the EML MailMessageSaveType + "message.eml", MailMessageSaveType.getEmlFormat());


Overview: Aspose.Email for Java

Aspose.Email for Java is a Non-Graphical Java component that enables Java applications to read and write MS Outlook MSG files from within a Java application without using MS Outlook. It enables developers to create new MSG file from scratch, update an existing MSG file, read Outlook MSG file & get its properties like subject, body, recipients in to, cc and bcc, adding or removing attachment, sender information & MAPI properties.  Aspose.Email can be used with Web as well as Desktop Application.

More about Aspose.Email for Java

Contact Information

Suite 119, 272 Victoria Avenue

Chatswood, NSW, 2067


Aspose - Your File Format Experts

[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
This technical tip shows how to Add, Delete & Get Attachment in a PDF Document using Aspose.Pdf for Java. In order to add attachment in a PDF document, you need to create a FileSpecification object with the file, which needs to be added, and the file description. After that the FileSpecification object can be added to EmbeddedFiles collection of Document object using add(..) method of EmbeddedFiles collection. The attachments of the PDF document can found in the EmbeddedFiles collection of the Document object. In order to delete all the attachments, you only need to call the delete(..) method of the EmbeddedFiles collection and then save the updated file using save method of the Document object.

Add attachment in a PDF document.
//open document

com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("input.pdf");

//setup new file to be added as attachment

com.aspose.pdf.FileSpecification fileSpecification = new com.aspose.pdf.FileSpecification("sample.txt", "Sample text file");

//add attachment to document's attachment collection


// Save updated document containing table object"output.pdf");

Delete all the attachments from the PDF document.
//open document

com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("input.pdf");

//delete all attachments


//save updated file"output.pdf");

Get an individual attachment from the PDF document.
//open document

com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("input.pdf");

//get particular embedded file

com.aspose.pdf.FileSpecification fileSpecification = pdfDocument.getEmbeddedFiles().get_Item(1);

//get the file properties

System.out.printf("Name: - " + fileSpecification.getName());

System.out.printf("\nDescription: - " + fileSpecification.getDescription());

System.out.printf("\nMime Type: - " + fileSpecification.getMIMEType());

// get attachment form PDF file

try {

    InputStream input = fileSpecification.getContents();

    File file = new File(fileSpecification.getName());

    // create path for file from pdf


    // create and extract file from pdf output = new, true);

    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

    int n = 0;

    while (-1 != (n =

    output.write(buffer, 0, n);

    // close InputStream object



} catch (IOException e) {



// close Document object


Overview: Aspose.Pdf for Java
Aspose.Pdf is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now you can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables you to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.

More about Aspose.Pdf for Java

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd

Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066


Aspose – Your File Format Experts

[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
This technical tip shows how to convert PDF pages to PNG Image using Aspose.Pdf for Java. Users can choose to convert a particular PDF page to PNG image or convert all PDF pages to PNG Images. In order to convert all page of PDF file to PNG format, you need to iterate through individual page and convert it to PNG format. The given code snippet shows you how to traverse through all the pages of PDF file and convert it to PNG image. The PngDevice class allows you to convert PDF pages to PNG images. This class provides a method named process(..) which allows you to convert a particular page of the PDF file to PNG image. You first need to create an object of Document class, so you could get the particular page which you want to convert to PNG. After that, you need to call the process(..) method to convert the page to PNG image.

Convert particular PDF page to PNG Image


//open document
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("input.pdf");
// create stream object to save the output image imageStream = new"Converted_Image.png");

//create Resolution object
com.aspose.pdf.Resolution resolution = new com.aspose.pdf.Resolution(300);
//create PngDevice object with particular resolution
com.aspose.pdf.PngDevice pngDevice = new com.aspose.pdf.PngDevice(resolution);
//convert a particular page and save the image to stream
pngDevice.process(pdfDocument.getPages().get_Item(1), imageStream);

//close the stream

Convert all PDF pages to PNG Images


//open document
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("input.pdf");

// loop through all the pages of PDF file
for (int pageCount = 1; pageCount <= pdfDocument.getPages().size(); pageCount++)
// create stream object to save the output image imageStream = new"Converted_Image" + pageCount + ".png");

//create Resolution object
com.aspose.pdf.Resolution resolution = new com.aspose.pdf.Resolution(300);
//create PngDevice object with particular resolution
com.aspose.pdf.PngDevice pngDevice = new com.aspose.pdf.PngDevice(resolution);
//convert a particular page and save the image to stream
pngDevice.process(pdfDocument.getPages().get_Item(pageCount), imageStream);

//close the stream

Overview: Aspose.Pdf for Java

Aspose.Pdf is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now you can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables you to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.

More about Aspose.Pdf for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Pdf is a Java
- Read More Technical Tips by Aspose.Pdf
- Download Aspose.Pdf is a Java
11 years ago
What is new in this release?

In our latest newsletter, April 2013 edition, we announced that we would be re-branding Saaspose as Aspose for Cloud . Saapose is a cloud product created by Aspose, the reputable component vendor, which allows developers to create, convert and automate files and documents in the cloud. Aspose is a leading vendor of components for .NET, Java, SharePoint, Reporting Services and JasperReports. While we will be re-branding Saaspose to Aspose for Cloud, we will continue to offer the same high quality cloud services and support valued by our users. At Aspose our core focus is offering the most complete and powerful set of file management products on the market, complemented by fast and reliable customer support. Cloud services are an extension of our existing offering and we believe bringing them under a single website/brand will allow us to further improve the feature-set and performance of Aspose for Cloud and also take advantage of the tried and tested customer support systems utilized within Aspose as we continue to grow. Existing customers can be reassured the change in name will not affect their existing code or deployed software. While we will provide a new API endpoint it will work side-by-side with the existing endpoint. We will achieve many benefits from this migration but the main changes will be made to our website, support forums and documentation which will be migrated under the domain name. These will be updated in the coming weeks, to reflect the new name and move all content under the domain. Aspose for Cloud will continue to offer the same market-leading services to create, convert and automate documents in the cloud. We are excited about this new change at Saaspose and we hope that you also enjoy the same great services and support. We are determined to provide you the best cloud computing experience for your file formats via Aspose for Cloud. We will keep you updated about these changes and provide you the required assistance. Please contact us if you have any questions about these changes. Thank you for reading!

About Saaspose

SaaSpose is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Using SaaSpose makes it easy for Web & Mobile Developers to work with Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Adobe PDFs, OpenDocument formats, and email formats and protocols in their Apps. The SaaSpose REST API enables you to quickly integrate the following into your Web: Document Assembly & Mail-Merge, Reporting, Document Conversion, Text and Image Extraction, Device Targeting, Metadata Removal, Barcode Recognition, Generation & Embedding, Email Templating & Tracking. The REST API can be called from any platform: .NET, Java, Ruby, Salesforce, Amazon etc.

More about Saaspose

- Saaspose File Format APIs
- More about Aspose for Cloud
- Aspose for Cloud SDKs
- Online documentation for Saaspose APIs
- Ask technical questions/queries from Saaspose Support Team

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
Saaspose Newsletter for April 2013 has now been published that highlights all newly added information, exciting new features & informative blogs about Saaspose APIs & SDKs. This month Saaspose.Words, Saaspose.Pdf & Saaspose.Slides have introduced new features for Manage Document Properties of PDF Files, convert documents to different file formats, Replace text in PDF files, save presentations to other file formats, API documentation changes introduced during the month Of March 2013 & many more.

New Pricing Plans

As part of ongoing improvements to our service, we are updating the structure of our pricing plans. We’ll introduce more plans in-between the existing plans, adjust what the current plans include and introduce discounted 1 and 2 year plans. When creating the new price plans, we’ve taken account of customer feedback and real-world usage. If you are an existing paying customer, you will stay on the plan you are on with no change. When you come to upgrade, you’ll chose from one of the new plans. (However If you upgrade in the next 60 days you can still opt for one of our existing plans. Also if you sign up to any existing plan on a yearly basis, you can move between any of the existing plans for the next 12 months.). If you are evaluating or testing Saaspose on the free plan and decide to use one of our existing plans, you can still do so for the next 30 days (provided that your Saaspose account existed before today). These pricing plans will take over from existing pricing plans on 5th April. Click here to view more about our new pricing plans .

Coming Soon: Saaspose becomes “Aspose for Cloud”

As some of you know, Saaspose is a cloud product created by Aspose. We have decided to change the name from Saaspose to “Aspose for Cloud”. Aspose is a leading vendor of components for .NET, Java, SharePoint, Reporting Services and JasperReports. Our core focus is offering the most complete and powerful set of file management products on the market. Cloud services are an extension of our existing offering. This name change will not affect your existing code. While we will have a new API endpoint at it will work side-by-side with the existing endpoint. The main changes will be to our website, forums and documentation. These will be updated in the coming weeks, to reflect the new name and move the content under the domain. If you have any questions about these changes please email Saapose team at: [email protected]

Best of Saaspose API Blogs

- Manage Document Properties of PDF Files using Saaspose.PDF REST Examples in PHP.
- Convert documents to different file formats using Saaspose REST API examples in RUBY
- Replace text in PDF files using Saaspose.PDF REST API
- Save presentations to other file formats using Saaspose.Slides REST API

Latest From the Documentation

During the month of March 2013, we have added many examples for various features of Saaspose file format APIs in our documentation. These examples have been added in Saaspose.Words, Saapose.Cells and Saaspose.Pdf and Saaspose.Slides. You can utilize these examples in PHP, .NET and Ruby to incorporate features in your applications such as convert workbook, protect MS Word document, replace text in documents, save presentations to other file formats, get selected attachment in PDF etc. You may view a complete list of examples for each API in the following announcement posts:

- Saaspose.Pdf REST API Documentation Changes Introduced During The Month Of March 2013
- Saaspose.Slides REST API Documentation Changes Introduced During the Month of March 2013

Saaspose API SDK Updates

During the month of March 2013, we have introduced new features in our SDKs for different programming languages like .NET and PHP. There is a list of features available for each API on Github and you can download the required SDK. The new features are added in APIs such as Saaspose.Words and Saaspose.Cells. These features include add picture in workbooks and remove or add headers/footers in MS Word documents. For more details, you may refer to the following announcement:

- Saaspose REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of February 2013

Collect your copy of Saaspose Newsletter, April 2013 edition

- Collect the English version of this newsletter.

Keep in Touch

There are several ways for you to keep in touch with us. The monthly newsletter is a way for us to keep in touch with you, but we are always interested in hearing from you.

- Ask your question from Saaspose Team
- Connect with us on Post a question on our Facebook

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
What's New in this Release?

Saaspose.PDF makes it easy for the developers to replace text on a particular page or in entire PDF document. Previously, we have explain text replacement feature in detail and have also provided sample code for replacing text in multiple programming languages such as Java, .NET, Ruby and PHP. There are different types of text replacements in a PDF file such as replacing text in PDF files using a regular expression, replace text in a particular page, replace text in complete PDF document. Saaspose.PDF is a REST API that can be run on any platform to perform multiple operations on a PDF file like you can create or edit PDF files and you can also convert PDF file to different formats like DOC, HTML, XPS, TIFF etc. You can also convert all of the elements of a PDF file like text, images, annotations, bookmarks, signatures, stamps and security features. Saaspose.PDF also offers many useful features such as text replacement, image replacement, text extraction and conversion to other file formats. Saaspose has now added these examples in SDKs for replacing text in a PDF file. These SDKs are available in java and PHP using which you can replace text in the whole PDF document. Getting started with Saaspose.Pdf is quite simple and quick, download the required SDKs and start converting your PDF document or perform any other operation mentioned above.

Overview: Saaspose.Pdf

Saaspose.Pdf is a REST API to create, edit & manipulate PDF files. It also convert PDF file to DOC, DOCX, HTML, XPS, TIFF etc. You can create a new PDF either from scratch or from HTML, XML, template, database, XPS or an image. A PDF file can also be rendered to JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and many other image formats. It works with any language like .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python and many others. It is platform independent REST API & working with web, desktop, mobile or cloud applications alike.

More about Saaspose.Pdf

- Homepage of Saaspose.Pdf
- Replace Text in PDF file using SDK in java
- Replace Text in PDF file using SDK in PHP
- Read online documentation of Saaspose.Pdf
- Ask technical questions/queries from Saaspose Support Team

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
Saaspose development team is very happy to announce the document properties management of PDF Files . PDF files are simple to create, easy to use and portable across any platform. Security is another major aspect that is offered by PDF files to protect the unwanted editing of documents. Saaspose.Pdf is a REST API that allows creating, editing and manipulating PDF files in the cloud. It offers a variety of features regarding various elements of a PDF file such as text, image, links, attachments, bookmarks, annotations, etc. Using Saaspose.Pdf REST examples in PHP, you can manage document properties of PDF files. This REST API allows to set a single document property of PDF file. You can get all properties of document or you may choose to get a specific property from documents. You can also remove all document properties or any single property of your PDF files using Saaspose.Pdf REST API. You can utilize our SDK and REST examples to manage document properties of PDF files in the cloud. It requires a simple step, download the required SDK from Github and incorporate the useful features into your application. Please refer to Saaspose.Pdf documentation for more information and details. Saaspose.Pdf provides simple solutions to work with document properties of a PDF file and eliminates the need of complex tasks involved in it. We offer a free development account for evaluation purposes, so you could try these features using PHP examples to manipulate your PDF files. Feel free to contact us in case of any queries or feedback regarding Saaspose APIs. Keep tuned in to our blog and newsletter for the latest updates and announcements.

About Saaspose

SaaSpose is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Using SaaSpose makes it easy for Web & Mobile Developers to work with Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Adobe PDFs, OpenDocument formats, and email formats and protocols in their Apps. The SaaSpose REST API enables you to quickly integrate the following into your Web: Document Assembly & Mail-Merge, Reporting, Document Conversion, Text and Image Extraction, Device Targeting, Metadata Removal, Barcode Recognition, Generation & Embedding, Email Templating & Tracking. The REST API can be called from any platform: .NET, Java, Ruby, Salesforce, Amazon etc.

More about Saaspose.Pdf

- Homepage of Saaspose.Pdf
- Get All Document Properties (PHP REST)
- Remove all Document Properties (PHP REST)
- Set a Single Document Property (PHP REST)
- Ask technical questions/queries from Saaspose Support Team

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
Saaspose Newsletter for March 2013 has now been published that highlights all newly added information, exciting new features & informative blogs about Saaspose APIs & SDKs. This month Saaspose.Words, Saaspose.Pdf & Saaspose.OCR have introduced new features for extracting text from images, protecting and unprotecting documents, convert presentations & manipulate MS Word documents, manipulate PDF Files in PHP, convert PDF files and manipulate presentations & many more.

Tip of the Month: Use Saaspose.SDK Demo Application for Android

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions that help us improve our services for a better experience of document manipulation. We have recently released Saaspose SDK for Android to facilitate the Android developers around the world. Now you can enjoy a variety of features for document manipulation in the cloud. For instance, using Saaspose APIs, you can extract text from documents, calculate formula in worksheets, convert PDF to images, extract images and slides from presentations and perform many such operations on the documents in your Android applications. You can integrate the features in your applications through simple steps, all you need to do is download the required SDK and enjoy using a variety of features for your document processing requirements. Stay tuned to our blog, and newsletter for latest updates on Android SDKs and the release announcements. Click here to view more about Saaspose.SDK Demo Application for Android .

Best of Saaspose API Blogs

- Extract text from images using Saaspose.OCR REST examples in PHP .
- Protect and Unprotect Documents Using Saaspose.Words REST Examples in PHP
- Convert presentations and manipulate MS Word documents using Saaspose REST APIs
- Manipulate PDF Files Using Saaspose.Pdf SDK Examples in PHP
- Convert PDF files and manipulate presentations using Saaspose REST APIs.

Latest From the Documentation

During the month of February 2013, we have added many examples for various features of Saaspose file format APIs in our documentation. These examples have been added in Saaspose.Words, Saapose.Cells, Saaspose.OCR and Saaspose.Pdf. You can utilize these examples in PHP to incorporate features in your applications such as protect documents, get document properties, get image count, create PDFs from HTML templates etc. You may view a complete list of examples for each API in the following announcement posts:

- Saaspose.OCR REST API Documentation Changes Introduced During The Month Of February 2013
- Saaspose.Pdf REST API Documentation Changes Introduced During The Month Of February 2013

Saaspose API SDK Updates

During the month of February 2013, we have released a demo application for Android SDK. There is a list of features available for each API on Github and you can download the required SDK. For more details, you may refer to the following announcement:

- Saaspose REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of February 2013

Collect your copy of Saaspose Newsletter, March 2013 edition

Collect the English version of this newsletter.

Keep in Touch

There are several ways for you to keep in touch with us. The monthly newsletter is a way for us to keep in touch with you, but we are always interested in hearing from you.

- Ask your question from Saaspose Team
- Connect with us on Post a question on our Facebook

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
What is new in this release?

Saaspose development previously shared about the release of Saaspose SDK for Android that facilitates the Android developers with feature-rich APIs round the globe. Let it be text extraction from images, merging multiple presentations or conversion of different file formats, Saaspose APIs provides a wide range of useful and productive features that yield quality results. You can download our SDKs in different programming languages such as .NET, Java, PHP and Ruby from Github. Saaspose has published a demo application for Android SDK . The sample project allows you to test Saaspose SDK in your Android applications quickly and easily. You can integrate this demo application in your applications and enjoy a whole new experience of document manipulation on your Android devices. This demo is composed of the features commonly used by other sections of the SDK and the features to work with Saaspose storage. This adds great benefit for the Android developers as our SDKs enable them achieve the desired results through simple and efficient steps in no time. The sample project contains feature examples for REST APIs like Saaspose.Barcode, Saaspose.Words, Saaspose.Cells, Saaspose.Pdf and Saaspose.Slides. For instance, you can extract text from documents, calculate formula in worksheets, convert PDF to images, extract images and slides from presentations and perform many such operations on the documents in your Android applications. In order to manipulate any files, you first need to upload them to the Saaspose storage using storage manipulation code. The Saaspose.SDK for Android allows you to save the output files at your specified location. Please refer to our comprehensive documentation of these file format APIs for more information and details on the features and SDKs. If you are not a part of Saaspose family, sign up now and integrate the feature-rich APIs in your Android applications. You can opt for the free development account to evaluate these APIs for your Android applications. Stay tuned to our blog and newsletterfor latest updates on Android SDKs and the release announcements.

About Saaspose

SaaSpose is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Using SaaSpose makes it easy for Web & Mobile Developers to work with Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Adobe PDFs, OpenDocument formats, and email formats and protocols in their Apps. The SaaSpose REST API enables you to quickly integrate the following into your Web: Document Assembly & Mail-Merge, Reporting, Document Conversion, Text and Image Extraction, Device Targeting, Metadata Removal, Barcode Recognition, Generation & Embedding, Email Templating & Tracking. The REST API can be called from any platform: .NET, Java, Ruby, Salesforce, Amazon etc.

More about Saaspose

- Saaspose File Format APIs
- Download Saaspose SDK for Android
- Saaspose.SDK for Adroid example
- Ask technical questions/queries from Saaspose Support Team

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
What is new in this release?

Saaspose development team is very happy to announce the new release of Saaspose.Words. This release allows securing MS Word documents from unauthorized access to modify the structure. Users can protect their document to prevent others from making changes to the layout, content and structure of the documents. Saaspose.Words allow you to assign a password to your document to make sure that only authorized access is permitted to edit the structure and layout such as set document property, append a list of documents etc. Similarly, you can also unprotect the document to allow the access for making any changes to the document. Once you unprotect your MS Word documents by providing the existing password, the content and layout can be modified by anyone. Saaspose.Words REST API offers to update the document protection. You can modify the existing password and choose a secure password for better protection for your documents. Saaspose.Words has gained immense popularity among a large number of people around the world. Saaspose.Words allows creating, editing and manipulating documents including MS Word documents in the cloud. You can extract text, convert documents to other file formats and work with a variety of document elements such as text, paragraph, formatting, form field, document sections, shapes, tables, bookmarks, hyperlinks etc. across any platform. You can refer to our comprehensive documentation that guides you through the complete features and examples of Saaspose.Words. All you need to do is download the required SDK of Saaspose.Words and enhance the productivity of your applications in the cloud. You can protect and unprotect MS Word documents easily using the feature rich Saaspose.Words REST API. The following is list of Saaspose.Words REST examples in PHP that can be used for protect and unprotect requirements of your documents. Sign up at Saaspose and get started with the feature rich and productive APIs in no time. We offer a free development account for evaluation purposes, so you could try these features using PHP examples to manipulate your documents. Feel free to contact us case of any queries or feedback regarding Saaspose APIs.

Overview: Saaspose.Words

Saaspose.Words is a platform independent REST API used for cloud based document creation, manipulation & conversion. It allows converting document to DOC, DOCX, XPS, TIFF, PDF, HTML, SWF & many other formats. It can be used languages like .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery & many others. It can also be integrated with other cloud services to process documents. Other features include Create & modify watermark, content & formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features.

More about Saaspose.Words

- Homepage Saaspose.Words
- Protect Documents (PHP REST)
- Unprotect Documents (PHP REST)
- Online documentation for Saaspose.Words
- Ask technical questions/queries from Saaspose Support Team

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago
Saaspose file format APIs have been designed with a variety of features to manipulate documents in the cloud across any platform. Due to its highly productive and easy to use APIs, Saaspose has gained immense popularity across the globe in such a small span of time. We have provided SDK and REST examples for these REST APIs in different programming languages such as .NET, RUBY, Java, PHP and Python that you can utilize in your application. PDF files are widely used among a large number of people from different walks of life. There might be scenarios where you want to present the data of your PDF files as slides . This brings in the need to convert PDF files to presentations without making extra efforts. In such scenarios, Saaspose.Pdf and SaasposeSlides make the perfect combination of APIs for your application.Saaspose.Pdf is a REST based API for creating, editing, and manipulating PDF files in the cloud. Saaspose.Slides allows you to process presentations; create, modify, and convert presentations in the cloud. Using a combination of these two REST APIs, you can convert PDF files and manipulate the presentations. Saaspose.Pdf provides support for conversion of PDF files to different file formats. Using Saaspose.Pdf REST examples and SDKs, you can convert PDF files to presentations in no time.Saaspose.Pdf offers best solution for document conversion and eliminates the need of manual work involved in conversions. The formatting information and data is retained in the converted document, for instance, presentations. Once you have converted the PDF file for presentation, you can use a variety of features to manipulate the presentation. Using Saaspose.Slides REST API, you can save a particular slide as an image or you may choose to add one or more new custom properties to the slides. As the data of source file i.e. PDF file is retained in the slides, you can add more slides, delete any slide and merge the presentation with other presentations. For more information, please refer to Saaspose.Pdf and Saaspose.Slides documentation. Get started with Saaspose APIs right away and enjoy a whole new experience of document manipulations. You can opt for free development account to evaluate these APIs for your application. Stay tuned to our blog and newsletter for the latest news and updates.

About Saaspose

SaaSpose is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Using SaaSpose makes it easy for Web & Mobile Developers to work with Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Adobe PDFs, OpenDocument formats, and email formats and protocols in their Apps. The SaaSpose REST API enables you to quickly integrate the following into your Web: Document Assembly & Mail-Merge, Reporting, Document Conversion, Text and Image Extraction, Device Targeting, Metadata Removal, Barcode Recognition, Generation & Embedding, Email Templating & Tracking. The REST API can be called from any platform: .NET, Java, Ruby, Salesforce, Amazon etc.

More about Saaspose Products

- Homepage of Saaspose.Pdf
- Homepage of Saaspose.Slides
- Convert PDF to other Formats (.NET REST)
- More Save a Particular Slide as Image with Default Size (.NET REST)
- Ask technical questions/queries from Saaspose Support Team

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,
79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Saaspose - Your File Format Experts 2.0
[email protected]
Phone: 1.214.329.1520
Fax: 866.810.9465
11 years ago