Rufus BugleWeed

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 22, 2002
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Recent posts by Rufus BugleWeed

rtexpvalues is supported in JSTL. They created two sets of taglibs.
For example, look for c and c_rt.
20 years ago
Speaking of money, Whizlabs should be giving JavaRanch RanchHand Discount.
SCJP angel is one thing.
is another.
If everyone of those was a three hour college course that starts looking like 30 hours.
20 years ago
I was looking for c.tld. I thought it might have been in jstl.jar but it was in standard.jar. I wanted to know if forTokens, attibute items was rtexprvalue = true. But it's not.
20 years ago
Web tier in J2EE uses observer:
�Servlet context listener
�Servlet context attribute listener
�Session attribute listeners
Thank you. It's in a jar file. But it was not the one I expected.
20 years ago

and i constantly see ads online of companies looking desperately for java programers.

IMO, they are not desperately looking, they are extremely picky about who
they will hire.
20 years ago
You are new to J2EE too?
Have you seen this page?
20 years ago
Where can I find the JSTL TLD? IMO Sun is hiding this.
20 years ago
I think if you want all the data in a table you would return a collection of DTO. DTO is an encapsulation of the state of an object. It's meant to avoid the performance hit of getting state in a distributed application.
Sometimes I wish we had a links page. Navigating the IBM web site is like navigating NYC.
20 years ago
Can you not run struts 1.1 in websphere 4?
20 years ago
For information about enabling SSL security between
the Web server and the Web client, and between the Web server plug-in and
WebSphere, see the IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security Handbook,
20 years ago