Pyla Rao

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since Jul 10, 2012
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Recent posts by Pyla Rao

I thought, It would help to you.

Ext JS docs says:

Setting Sizes
The columns are laid out by a Ext.layout.container.HBox layout, so a column can either be given an explicit width value or a flex configuration. If no width is specified the grid will automatically the size the column to 100px. For column groups, the size is calculated by measuring the width of the child columns, so a width option should not be specified in that case.


While sending an email in android using JavaMail API and OAUTH2 token the below error is occurring.


Help me to solve this issue.
11 years ago
It is smiler to popup view.
11 years ago

Hi Raymond,

The following tutorial might be help full.

11 years ago
Hi Madhumitha,

The following tutorial might be help full.
hadoop cluster setup
11 years ago
Hi Ciaran,

Welcome to coderacnh. Use Code Tags for your code in the post then how much better it looks.
12 years ago
Hi Gopi,

I prefer "Spring in Action" book for beginners/middle level

12 years ago
Hi David,

Spring and Hibernate are different. Spring is Framework which simplify the j2ee development and hibernate is a ORM.So first start with Spring core part in the book of J Sharma & Ashish Sarin and do with hibernate.

12 years ago
Hi Kumar,

It is intimate beans in this container are annotations supported.

If specify like above the beans are in package are automatically registered.We can give more then one package by comma separated.
12 years ago
Hi Lucy Rai

Go to
Hi Manikandan Govindaraj, Welcome to coderanch

Use code tags to your post and you can see how Its looks.

and provide error log, It is better to trace the problem and find solution.

12 years ago
you can use java StringTokenizer.


Welcome to coderanch.

use following code may it solves

you can give url in url pattern then it matches respective servlet using web.xml. It is basic thing about servlets.

12 years ago
Hi Anand,

I Love action series, The book name "Struts in Action ".
12 years ago
Hi Mavi,

In login.jsp remove "/" in form action tag.Then code look like as below.

That's wise your action class is not called.It may be solution for your problem.

12 years ago