Saravanan Subramanian

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since Feb 24, 2002
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IEEE Computer Society's
Certified Software Development Professional
Saravanan Subramanian
Hi Scott
Yes, there are few gimmies on the aspects of XML well formedness, DTDs, etc.
Saravanan Subramanian
Hi Scott
Since you say that you know the syntax in and out, this is what I will do if I were you for the next two days.
1)Read surface level articles on XML applications and uses on the Internet or other sources. Understand how XML is used in the real world.
2) For each objective in the exam, find their uses, what they can and cannot do. For example, read the limitations of DOM and SAX. Also, why you would choose XSD over DTD. Repeat the process for every objective listed.
I cannot divulge the exact questions, but be assured that there will plenty of questions like this asking you to choose something over the other. In some cases, they will ask you to choose multiple answers to solve the same problem.
3) Remember, you can always write it again if the worst case scenario happens. You can't control everything. And so, believe in yourself and go for it.
Good luck
Saravanan Subramanian
[ March 20, 2002: Message edited by: Saravanan Subramanian ]
[ March 20, 2002: Message edited by: Saravanan Subramanian ]
Yes, the questions test similar concepts. They look very similar on the surface, but don't be fooled. For e.g., expect questions from DOM, SAX, XLink,etc. There was even a question regarding data modeling, and how to integrate a parsing process well with a database.
They use the same exhibit, but they ask different questions based on the exhibit. They may also ask you multiple schema definitions that can help validate the same XML document.
Trust your gut instincts during the exam. You have prepared well, and now leave your knowledge to take over and answer the questions for you.
Learn to relax during the exam and try to eliminate the impossible answers. You will definitely pass.
Good luck
Saravanan Subramanian
[ March 20, 2002: Message edited by: Saravanan Subramanian ]
Can you post the offending code or section here?. It will help in debugging. There could be a variety of reasons for this (including parser support for what you are attempting to do).
Saravanan Subramanian
Hi Folks
Can anyone suggest some links on the Internet for Data modelling and RDBMS related issues for XML?
Saravanan Subramanian
I agree. That's why I tend to stay away from subjective evaluations, and stick to multiple choice-type tests.
Good luck with your results
Saravanan Subramanian
Precisely. Thank you very much.
Saravanan Subramanian
Sometime ago, I found a posting in this forum indicating that Sun was going to publish a book for the SCEA exam in March.
Can someone direct me to the posting or the Book?
Thanks and regards
Saravanan Subramanian
XSLT and XPath.
However, I think a bigger problem for me in terms of preparation is that all three books that IBM recommends are not really the greatest examples of book writing, and so, I am forced to take an alternate approach to understanding the technology in depth.
I just finished reading a book called "Strategic XML" over the weekend, and I would recommend it anyone wanting to understand XML before proceeding to read the "Big" books.
What do the others think?
Saravanan Subramanian
You may want to check out They are calling for volunteers right now.
Saravanan Subramanian
You may also want to check out the following links:
- Good tutorials on almost all aspects of XML
-- A couple of free XML books in the languages section
Good luck
Saravanan Subramanian