davide boleso

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since Jul 15, 2012
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Recent posts by davide boleso

Hello I know the question is silly, but dont wanna mess with too many books
is Ivan's notes, Frits Walraven note plus enthuware and EPractice Labs mock
enough to pass the exam ?

Abhay Agarwal wrote:i have also bought enthuware exam questions. I am on chapter 7.

~ abhay

this is great stuff http://examclouds.com/index.jsp

Abhay Agarwal wrote:in fact before reading this book, I started off with this Developer guide link http://www.objectdb.com/java/jpa
I executed all code samples given in this link. I exclude all ObjectDB's specific deviation.

Thanks a lot Abhay, I arrived a chapter 4 I dont find the topics very difficult but the book is so slow and slow probably I have no vocation for persistence and DB I am more volatile oriented :-) and this answer my question :-)
I took java web services last year and I have found very interesting I took me 3 months to prepare, I have read a lot past messages about JPA here I have heard a guy ,he took 25 days to complete certificatyion with no JPA experience...luycky guy
Thanks to you I can add another resource, actually I am reading the officiale book, yesterday I discovered
I have bought enthuware mock because it was great for the programnmer certification and i am wondering if epractize too is worth
well let me know your progress
Hello sorry for the question, I know it could sounds repetive. I am planning to take Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer certification.
I have the book Pro JPA 2 Mastering (chaps 1 to 11 right ? ) and it really looks huge and tedious book to me :-)
I am wondering if
  • Java Persistence free online book
  • EE 6 JPA OCE Preparation Article
  • can substitute it.
    Actually I am great fan of enthuware mock, I have used it for programmer certification and I rely on it.
    About my studing methodology I like to read concept and stuck in my head writing code examples, is it eclipse and simple DB like mysql or postgres enough ?
    Anybody passed both JPA and WebServices wich is tougher ? wich differences ?
    thanks in advance
    Thanks a lot for your nice answers and tips. Roel I take the course mainly because is mandatory :-) and I hope with the one I choosed could fill my gaps because I still feel a little weak to handle whole project all by myself
    from the design to implementation
    Hello after web service I would like to get OCMJD certification and I am wondering how to face it.
    I know this kind of certification is different from the others and it truly proves your java skills with assigment and essay rather than multiple choice exam but
    I really need a book like reference (it's physiological for me); my plan is first to finish "SCJD Exam with J2SE 5 Second Edition" book and roberto perillo notes. After take the "Developing Applications With the Java SE 6 Platform" course from oracle, it looks the most interesting course to my needs and best suited for this certification (I guess so)
    how does it sounds ?
    Hello I have 1Z0-851 certification I woul like to get 1Z0-804, I know there is upgrade exam if you have scjp 6 but I am not using java a lot at work, It would be opportunity to review java basic concetp
    for me, so I would like to know if I can enroll to 1Z0-804 exam
    Also which is best book for 1Z0-804 ? I really loved SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide Sierra and Bates, with two minutes drills review and quiz at the end of every chapter
    Himai dont be worried you are smart you are going to pass the exam for sure.
    You want to learn web services well ?
    study well Java Web Service Up and Running, write every example and test, read every kind of specification oasis w3c ws-i
    You want to pass the exam ?
    just read Java Web Service Up and Running, test the things you learn a couple of time
    grab MZ notes, epractize lab, ucertify, test self engin stuck in your head all the question dont worry if you dont undestand and in 3 weeks you pass the exam for sure
    You are going to pass for sure :-)
    Developer is interesting but it looks to complicated steps and you have to pay for 3thousand course, unfortunately CD ROM course is not valid req
    are you talking versione 6 ? easier than web services ?
    wich book did you use ?
    11 years ago
    I have told you ... so much worrying ...:-)
    How can you compare this experience with EJB certification ? I wish to add it to my portfolio for the future
    11 years ago
    Hello after I have achieved this certification I am wondering how to plan my future target.
    Considering I work in EAI area I want to improve in backend and middleware area.
    I am thinking about IBM SOA certifications 669 and 667, Oracle EJB.
    Studing for web services I noticed big gaps about XML and related technology and this made grasping little tough in some case, unfortunately IBM XML certification does not exist anymore
    what do you think about xmlmaster.org and w3schools certification ?
    I really want to start over from the beginning, and face basic concept I skipped for too long during my career
    No question about webservices.xml
    question about how to add security with annotion on web service as ejb
    a tricky question about handler-chain.xml, about service-name-pattern I expecte to find a question
    where you say that service-name-pattern is based on the name of the service that's it
    The question was
    I have choosen al the service name begining with "hello" and with namespace htttp://handlersample.samples.ibm.com/
    I hope I did well i have never found question like this in my mocks
    The other question are intuitive easy very similar to the mock, only 10 question were pretty tough for me, but because I dont have very long experience with J2EE in general

    11 years ago
    Cosmin I let you study, tomorrow you will explain your experience with this certification and difference with ejb cert, I am planning to prepare it
    for the end of the year it looks very tough
    11 years ago
    Cosmin the exam is not tough some question were little difficult to me because I dont have significant experience with J2EE
    11 years ago