Prashant Ameta

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since Jul 17, 2012
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Recent posts by Prashant Ameta

While practicing I created an E-Mail sender form through Java

It works fine , Except E-mails are not delivered in real-time it takes 15 to 30 mins for an e-mail to deliver.
This is the manager class that I used.

How can I make them deliver instantly??
11 years ago
Hi All ,

I am new to Spring.
I created an application,deployed it ,it worked fine .

But suddenly it started giving me this error :

The content of element type "tiles-definitions" must match "(definition)+".

I searched it on internet , it did not help.

Thanks in advance.

11 years ago
Hii All,

I am not sure where exactly the problem is.
I updated the file in Eclipse IDE , provided the properties path in the apllication context,
the build.xml runs fine and build is successfull..

Tomcat Log:

I tried commenting the editorderIpAddress , but it was a NoGo.

here is my Application Context:

Thanks in Advance.
11 years ago
Hii All,

I have an error in My Jsp which says :[ServletException in:/WEB-INF/views/tiles/newcontent/pressreleases.jsp] 'end' < 0
this is the snippet where I am getting this error and I am stuck in between.

<c:if test="${pressReleaseId<=0}">
<c:forEach items="${allPressReleaseList}" var="release" begin="0"
<h3 class="colorBlu">${release.releasetitle}</h3>

need help.
thanks in advance.
11 years ago
Hii,I have a question Regarding threads
There are two ways to create a thread-
1.)by Extending the Thread class
2.)by implementing Runnable interface
which one is better and how would one decide???

Thanks in advance
12 years ago
Thanks a lot
Its crystal clear Now..
12 years ago
Thanks Sir,
I am quite new to JAVA,i am following Head first Java...and it says Constructors dont have a return type , not even void...and same is the difference between a method and a Constructor....

Now , after a month or two,if an interviewer asks me "Does a COnstructor have a return type or not??" I shall say Yes,Right???
12 years ago
I know that Constructors dont have a return type.... i would like to know WHY??
12 years ago
thanks alot BEar,Sherrif and Mr.Gorder
thanks a ton JOhn and Salvin....thats exactly what i was looking for.
and now i know how to ask questions...

12 years ago
Hii , m quite new to the Java world and m looking for some very general examples,actually explaination for "This" and "Super" key words!!!i hav a book but it looks very BOOKISH

Thanks and Regards
Prashant Ameta
12 years ago